Praetorian Report # 7 (2004-08-08)

This report was submitted by MAJ Abel Malik

Greetings fellow Praetorians, this is report #7

EH Homepage:
TC Homepage:
Intel Homepage:
Intel Division Manual:
Intel Division, Academy of Tactics: (Prae AoT course to be added soon).
Praetorian Homepage: (hosted by AD Turtle)
Praetorian Message Board:
EH Battle Compendium:
The Science Office:

reinforcements have arrived from the reserves! Welcome back CPT Drak to Prae in flight II.
I'd also like to thank our former CMDR, VA Gelton Torr for participating in the SSL (in TIE & XvT) with us, even as the EHDB GM he still finds time for Prae.
The SSL semi-finals round II is over now, we'll just have to wait to see the results- the only definate fact is we'll fly either Hunter or Omega in the XWA finals.
Hopefully we made the XvT & TIE finals as well in the SSL- time will tell.
I had one pilot request to join Prae & start the trials, but due to a low FCHG rating I was forced to decline his offer (we want a minimum of 500 FCHG).

We'll see in a few days whether or not Gelton, CC & I survived into the next round of the Summer Patrol. I sent out all the SSL files to the apropriate co-ordinators late Friday so it's just a matter of time now until we find out the results of the semi-finals.

I'm starting to work more with VA Aseret & RA Scrier on the Intel side of Prae squadron, since we are both TC & Intel as members of Prae it's a good idea to learn what you can about both. Also, RA Scrier has asked me to promote the Academy of Tactics (AoT) courses- remember those count as activity as a Prae!

I'm sorry to say I had to ask MAJ Exar Kit to leave Prae since he was not upholding the standards of activity a elite pilot should, he's welcome to retake the trials again after a six month period of course. In the meantime, keep your eye's out for any potential Prae's holding the rank of CM+ & a 500 FCHG minimum.

On a positive note though, I finally have TIE working on XP so i can start working towards 2000 FCHG;p.

Flight Deck:
I'm going to post notices of bugged battles/missions here so nobody wastes their time attemting to fly the incompletable/impossible;p.
I encourage the rest of Prae to participate in this section- send in info on known bugged battles/missions of all platforms.

- Send COL Morgan the Prae trivia answers directly and participate! (he needs more participants so we can proceed to the next trivia round)!
-RECRUIT, our numbers are dwindling fast, remember our requirements of the rank of CM & at least 500 FCHG (we especially could use a TIE or XvT ace). (the only exception to this rule I'm allowing is former Prae's who served more than three months).
-work on improving your own personal FCHG levels- remember we do have a few squadron specific rewards related to this! ;p.
-if you have the time fly your optional squadron citation battles improving the squadron citation totals
remember these are optional, but will reflect on your ATR and MSE strongly- if there's a platform you can't fly simply inform me or my XO, Chris Cox.

(1-1)MAJ Abel Malik = BoP-ID 1,

(1-4)CM Deimos = XWA-TC 34, XWA-TC 38, XWA-CAB 5, XWA-FCHG 4,

(2-1)MAJ Chris Cox = TIE-TC 4, TIE-TC 6, TIE-TC 13, TIE-TC 14, TIE-TC 48,

(2-2)GN Andrzej Mezynski = TIE-TC 133, TIE-DB 15, XvT-TC 1, XvT-TC 2, XvT-TC 3,

(2-3)CPT Drak = TIE-TC 171, TIE-TC 204, XvT-TC 17, XvT-TC 24, XvT-TC 26,

(3-1)COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan = XvT-TC 4, XvT-TC 5, XvT-TC 11, XvT-TC 12, XvT-TC 13,

(3-2)MAJ Dolsar Saris = TIE-TC 78, TIE-TC 185, XvT-TC 15, XvT-TC 16, XvT-TC 18,

These assignments will earn Prae 26 citations.

I'm going to reccomend Prae pilots an ISM for every 10 squadron citations earned in order to incite further activity.

Prae Activity:

I'm pleased to announce that every Prae at least participated in one SSL platform at the very least while several people went beyond the call of duty to help the squad win this round- all your efforts are apreciated- thank-you!

Activity breakdown by pilot:

Prae XWA SSL Ace: CPT Deimos!
Prae XvT SSL Ace: CPT Drak!
Prae TIE SSL Ace: COL Morgan!

MAJ Malik "Irek"- CMDR stuff, flew XvT-TC97 for the Summer Patrol comp week three. e-group, e-mail & mIrc activity. Submitted the IRC AoT course & I sent a bunch of my old Tau gfx to CPT Tek Selkirk (helping out a fellow Alvaak) since they were just sitting on a cd-r from October of 2003 (I was Tau XO before joining Prae);p. Also, flew FTIE48, 118, 187, and 245- trying to raise my FCHG a bit;p.

MAJ Exar Kit "Exy"- flew XvT-TC89 for the SSL semi-finals round II. e-mail & mIrc activity, was asked to leave Prae.

CPT Deimos- The current High Scores Baron, submitted XWA-TC14 for the SSL semi-finals round II. e-mail, e-group & mIrc activity.

MAJ Chris Cox "Prae XO"- was on a short leave. mIrc & e-mail activity.

GN Andrzej Mezynski "Ice"- flew TIE-DB15 for the SSL semi-finals round II (hs pending). e-group, mIrc & e-mail activty.

CPT Drak "Drak"- flew XWA-CAB6, XvT-TC89, TIE-DB15, & XWA-TC14 for the SSL semi-finals round II & rejoined Prae in flight II as well as participating in Prae trivia. e-mail & mIrc activity. Also flew XWA-TC32(HS pending) & FTIE241 (HS pending).

COL Morgan"Ballabal" - on leave until Monday, flew XvT-TC7, XvT-TC9, & XvT-TC10 earning Prae three new squadron citations. MB & e-mail activity.

MAJ Dolsar Saris "Black Sheep"- flew XWA-TC14 & TIE-DB15 for the SSL semi-finals round II. mIrc activity & e-mail activity.

Prepare for the SSL finals (we're definately going to be competing in the XWA finals, the other two platforms are still in question).

in CPT Drak
out MAJ Exar Kit

Medals/Awards: (it was a good week to be a Prae);p.
GN Ice earned a Leadership Star (LS) as a former Praetorian CMDR from RA Scrier.
COL Morgan earned a Force of the Emperor's Will (FoEW) for his activity as a Prae from RA Scrier.
CPT Deimos earned a Medal of Awareness (MoA) for his activity as a Prae from RA Scrier.
MAJ Chris Cox earned a Medal of Awarenes (MoA) for his activity as a Prae from RA Scrier.
COL Morgan earned a Imperial Security Medal (ISM) for earning Prae 10 new squadron citations.
CPT Drak earned the Praetorian Silver Dagger upon achieving 1000 FCHG (image is classified).
COL Morgan earned a Palpatine Crescent (PC)(July MSE award).
MAJ Malik earned a Palpatine Crescent (PC)(July MSE award)
MAJ Chris Cox earned a Imperial Security Medal (ISM)(July MSE award)


Nickname: Styx Flight
1) MAJ Abel Malik (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) CPT Deimos (

Nickname: Charon Flight
1) MAJ Chris Cox (
2) GN Andrzej Mezynski ( )
3) CPT Drak (
4) TBA

Nickname: Hades Flight
1) COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) MAJ Dolsar Saris (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations:

currently at 73 citations (I'd like us to surpass Omega, so we need to top 118 at least);p.

Just for laughs: ;p.

This concludes our report for this week.

In Respect, MAJ Malik Praetorian CMDR


CMDR-TCS/MAJ Abel Malik/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
[TIE Praetor: Severence]
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads & empty hearts can do that."

BTM/SBM Abel Malik/Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak
"Don't be all down on the Darkside, y'know what i mean?"

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