Fury Report # 21 (2004-07-30)

This report was submitted by CPT Mouse Droid

Fury WSR #21


Aurora Standard Date - July, 30th, 2004 - Report #21

"Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything." - Charles Kuralt.

I am glad that Fury's has been keeping up a nice communication level this week. Excellent!
Don't forget to write, fly and be generally active, even if it's JKII ;). Congratulations to LT Hunterr for
his shiney medal!

Have you heard about Free Worlds yet? It's the newest official platform of the TC: a multiplayer flight
simulation in the SW universe. Check out this out (http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=118)
for more details.

Squadron News:

  • I will go on holiday to the planet Ithor soon. My shuttle leaves next monday. I'll send you all
    a mail with details (including my estimated return date and A-CMDR assignment this weekend).

  • New topic on the Fury Message Board (http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=3138) by Todar
    about your holiday plans. I have posted, have you :) ?

  • I am working on a XWA free mission about Fury squadron taking out an E-Wing factory. When it's
    completed, I will present it to all of you. You may test fly it, if you like.

Wing/BG News:

  • I won "First Lancer of the Avenger: Third Edition". That's two titles. I hope some one will beat me next
    time! LCM Todar got third place, good work!

  • CM Quincy Nelson has been appointed as Flayer's new squadron commander. He joins us from the TIE Corps
    Battlegroups. Welcome onboard, Nelson and congratulations!

  • One more day to submit for BGCOM's Judgment: July edition!

  • CM Johnathon Archer resigns as Ravager CMDR, but will stay in the ATF. CPT Braxus takes his place.
    Good luck in your new positions both!

EH/Tie Corps News:

  • New IWATS Courses released: Free Worlds, Advanced Multiplayer Tactics, FileZilla FTP:
    Advanced Multiplayer Tactics - http://tausquadron.net/quicksilver/amp.html
    Free Worlds - http://www.btinternet.com/~spellfire/fw_iwats.html
    FileZilla - http://www.minos.net/~machblader/filezilla

  • The Wargame Imperial Storm V will be starting soon. Check out: http://waroffice.minos.net/

  • Squadron Summer Patrol is running. You have a lot of time in the summer and you want a IS-GW? 
    Survive the patrol by flying the weekly assignments and get the medal!

  • Tie Corps Battlegroup Commander: Mell Kerrigan stays in his position (unresigns).

  • Title of Star Wars: Episode 3 was released at San Diego Comic Con: "Revenge of the Sith"!

  • The TC has a new ship opened focusing on Free Worlds: ISD Predator. It will be added to the rosters
    soon. If you want to play Free Worlds (counts as activity), I will support you in every way I can!


Lots of competitions! I value Wing and Squadron competitions the most, at the moment:

  • BGCOM's Judgment July Edition
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: July, 1st, 2004
    End date:   July, 31th, 2004


    The biggest multi-activity competition in the Battlegroup. Each category has an medals for
    winner and runner-up. Submissions go to:
    Ky Terrak (kyterrak@aol.com) and Kane Reese (kanereese@tlen.pl).

    Flying assignments:
    TIETC163: "Project: Athena"
    XvTTC94: "Envoy of Peace"
    XWATC11: "Heroes of the Immortal"

    Fiction assignment:
    The day my flightsuit was stolen.

    Graphics assignment:
    Farewell Davi Anthol.

  • ATF Trivia: July 2004
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: July, 1st, 2004
    End date:   July, 31st, 2004


    Test your SW knowledge about certain ship types (I am not allowed to say which one ;).

  • The true story behind the TC database outage
    [Entire Emperor's Hammer]
    Start date: July, 20th, 2004
    End date:   August, 4th, 2004

    EH-wide - The competition is about the true story behind the TIE Corps database outage.
    You are to represent either why the database went out or how it affected you and your
    fellow members. This can be represented in the following categories: 1. Mission Design
    (in any supported EH platform) 2. Graphics 3. Fiction Graphics submissions should be below
    1MB in size. Fiction should be in either Word 2000 format (or less), RTF or HTML.
    Submissions should be directed to jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject line
    "The True Story behind the TC Database Outage" by the 4th August 2004. Be sure to
    include your usual details such as ID line.

  • Hosting Service Naming competition
    [Entire Emperor's Hammer]
    Start date: July, 20th, 2004
    End date:   August, 8th, 2004

    EH-wide - I want to start offering hosting services to EH members. However, I need a classy
    and sophisticated name for such a service. Simply send your suggested name to
    jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject line "Hosting Service Name". Be sure to include your
    usual details, such as ID Line.


LT Hunterr:
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: winner of Fury's Walking Holocron competition.


Promotions and transfers:



Minimum orders for the following week:
CONTACT YOUR COMMANDER (!) and fly a free mission.


COMMANDER: CPT Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: Council of Honor
BANNER: fury.jpg
MOTTO: For the welfare of the Empire 
HOMEPAGE: http://fury.minos.net

Nickname: Dukes of Freedom
Motto: We fly to protect the Empire
1) CPT Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Hunterr (Corni12@gmx.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Earls of Justice
Motto: We die to save the Empire 
1) LCM Todar (todar@web.de)
2) TBA
3) LT Teos (sledz007@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Counts of Unity
Motto: We fight to serve the Empire
1) LC Xanatos Screed (M.Wernsing@web.de)
2) TBA
3) CM Yun (yun@poczta.fm)
4) TBA


Communication in Fury is up! Visit our message boards and spam :]. If you're unable to
fly, try your hand at fiction or design a new Fury banner! 

Mouse Droid:
IRC and MB activity. Flew XvTTC94 for BJ. Created fiction and graphics for BJ. Lots of mailing.


E-mail contact. <-- Good to hear from you!
Todar: IRC contact and MB activity. <-- Catching your breath, lol?
Teos: No contact. <-- What about that chat :) ?
Xanatos Screed: E-mail contact. <-- Good to hear from you!
Yun: E-mail contact. <-- Good to hear from you! 


Any questions or comments, mail me!

Respectfully submitted,

Mouse Droid

CMDR/CPT Mouse Droid/Fury/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

BTM/PRT Ascol Jerrin/Sentinel/Ronin/Alvaak

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