Shield Report # 28 (2004-07-11)

This report was submitted by LC Tiger



July 11, 2004


Alright, welcome to the 28th edition of the Shield Squadron Weekly Report!  My apologies for not completing it sooner, but between working, sleeping/eating, and not being able to get online, it was somewhat impossible to get it out sooner.  But, I've been warned about it, so either that changes real quick or no more Tiggy. :P


  • TIE FCHG 6 bug Fixed!
    07:37 - VA Styles []
    The missing .LFD file has been added and the battle now works correctly. Happing Flying

  • IO Open For Applications
    06:02 - SA Astatine []
    The Internet Officer (IO) is responsible for providing technical consultancy to the membership of the Emperor's Hammer on matters relating to the Internet, such as web hosting, website construction and other areas. In addition, the position oversees a number of ongoing projects, such as the EH Message boards, Image Archive, etc.

    Selection Criteria - Essential
    1. Proven experience and knowledge of at least one server side scripting language (ie. ASP, PHP, JSP, etc)
    2. Existing general knowledge of a range of computer-related matters
    3. Be a member of good standing of the Emperor's Hammer for at least one year
    4. Ability to work well with a range of EH members, including the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer
    5. High active, online presence, such as IRC, message boards, etc.

    Selection Criteria - Desirable
    1. Demonstrated application of advanced server side scripting.
    2. Proven experience with databases
    3. Proven ability in graphic design
    4. Good command of the English language

    You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yeah, I can do that" is not enough. Include specific examples and situations to back up your claims. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one of these must be a former or, preferably, current superior. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be viewed in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( and Executive Officer ( with the subject "Application for Internet Officer".

    Should you be successful in the position, you will be expected to perform core duties of the position to an acceptable level. This also includes tasks outlined in the EH Tasks List. You will be reviewed upon these tasks and based upon that performance, you may be rewarded or punished.
  • FMC needs banners!
    12:05 - RA Jedi Eclipse []

    The FMC is in need of Banners and as I have mentioned in my latest report ( #5 ) I am willing to reward the top two designers with a Silver Star and Bronze Star respectively. Multiple submissions are very much welcome and submissions of good quality, be reflective of the FMC and tasteful. Submissions must be in *.jpg *.gif *.png or *.bmp. They Must be zipped together and sent to .

    I have received 1 submission so far and here is a link to see what you are up against ;) (thanks Arch)

    Get to your programs and create ! :)

    MO/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope
  • New Wing XVIII WC Chosen
    15:35 - FA Cyric []
    Congrats to MAJ Andrijas on being named the new WC for Wing XVIII! Good Luck!
  • Oops! [Notes on XvT/BoP Mission Flying.]
    15:46 - FA Ender mBind []
    It seems that in my enthousiasm I overlooked something when I posted that it is alright to play XvT and BoP missions in Co-Op. *g*

    If you are flying Co-Op or are interested in doing so, please read my post at. (on the Technical Support Forum).


  • BubbaX, our beloved COM, is on a Leave of Absence...again. :P
  • The Subjugator has challenged the Relentless, and we've accepted!  Prepare for battle and celebration pie!!
  • Wing total at 29  (Recruiting needed)


  • Welcome CPT Aeolus to the Squadron! (again :P)   I'll see about getting your Major rank restored :)
  • The "Citation Run" competition has been extended for a week as of today and is now due to finish on the 18th of this month (July), since I've not been available since Tuesday to send reminders.  Thank you, however, to Morpheus for submitting :)
  • New Squadron website is (still) up and (still) running and (still) undergoing improvements.  Check it out at  If there is anything you would like to see added to the page, please do not hesitate to give me your ideas! :)
  • Reminder : For continually updated status on Wing IX Squadron Citations, visit  There are several citations possible because they only need 1 person to fly them.


  • Citation Run
    Start: June 23, 2004 at 01:00
    End: July 18, 2004 at 23:59

    Competition Name/Title : Citation Run

    Submitted by : CMDR/LC Tiger/Shield/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

    Start Date (mm/dd/yy) : 6/23/2004

    End Date (mm/dd/yy) : 7/7/2004

    Parties Involved : Shield Squadron of Wing IX, ISD Relentless

    Missions/Battles Used : TIE-TC Battles #63 and 64. XWA-TC Battles #36 and 37.

    Medals to be Awarded : IS-BW to the person with the highest average score in each platform.

    Miscellaneous Information : In an attempt to raise activity while simultaneously raising citation numbers for Shield, all members able to fly are encouraged to fly the above TIE battles. The pilot with the highest average score for the TIE Battles receives an IS-BW, as does the pilot with the highest average for the XWA Battles.

    Status: Running

  • Any ideas for competitions can be sent to myself.  I'm always eager to hear new ideas!


  • Show me your war face!
    We all do it, we can't help it, when we're deep in concentration, flying the heck out of our ships pilots are prone to pulling some pretty strange faces and that's what I want for next week. Set your webcam up to take shots of you while you're flying and send me your favourite contortions. If you can't get your cam to do this, fake it.
    IS-BR for the funniest shot, closing date: Fri 16th July
  • Each week, MAJ Thorin Oakenshield will select one battle, and the person who scores the highest score on that battle will receive an IS-SW, and the runner up will receive an IS-BW.  This is an easy way to get some medals, and promote a little bit of activity.  To participate, simply send your BSF to myself instead of your CMDR.  Pretty easy :).  He is also trying to help squadrons by selecting missions that at least some of the squadrons need flown for citations!
    The first one will start on July 9th and last until July 15th), but you're welcome to start flying for it now.  The first mission is XWA-TC#16.

  • The Wing Commander's Challenge is, simply put, a tournament, placing each pilot against other pilots on the ship.  There will be six total rounds, each round lasting a week.  At the end of each week, points will be tallied up and standings will be created.  Rounds 1, 2 and 3 will simply be random pairings against members of other squadrons.  At the end of week 3, The top scoring pilot will receive a Iron Star with Silver Wings, and the runner up will receive a Iron Star with Bronze Wings.  Rounds 4, 5, and 6 will be in the form of a single elimination system.  Each round, the winners will advance, and the losers will be dropped from the tournament.  At the end of the Tournament, the pilot with the highest accumulated points will receive an Iron Star with Silver Wings, and the Runner-Up will receive an Iron Star with Bronze Wings.  The Winner of the Tournament will also win a Iron Star with Silver Wings, and the 2nd Place winner will receive an Iron Star with Bronze Wings (there will be no double awarding though, so medals will default down the chain :->)

    Each pilot will be paired up against another pilot, who according to their pilot records, play the same game platform (preference will be XWA, XvT, TIE, in that order).  These pilots will have a mission from that platform assigned to them.  The two pilots much then get together, and decide which avenue of approach they will take.  The pilots can of course choose to each fly the mission, the player with the highest score will win the round.  HOWEVER, the players may, if they choose, decide to settle the match in a battle against each other, playing multiplayer.  In this case, the 24/7 LoCs will apply, and the winner will also receive an LoC.  The decision is up to the pilots, and when a decision can't be reached, it will default to flying the mission.  Pilots are also allowed to do a best out of three scenario, if they both agree.


    Every match earns points for yourself, and for your squadron.  Here is how it breaks down (whether you play SP or MP)

    If you WIN your match, you win three points for your Squadron
    If you LOOSE your match, you win one point for your Squadron.
    If a match is defaulted (that is, one player does not make an effort to play the match), the player who is trying will be awarded 2 points, and the player who is not trying will earn 0 points.

    So, as you can see, participating and loosing is better for you and your squadron then not participation.

    Squadron Points

    Now, I've mentioned Squadrons... where do they come into this ?  Simple, the SQUADRON that accumulates the most points during the challenge will earn the title of Wing Commander's Own for the next month!


    Once you have completed your match (be it you both fly the mission, or you fly a MP match), here is what to do:

    If you flew MP, email the results to the COO for your LoC, and then email me the results (both pilots must email the results!)

    If you flew the mission, you can fly it as many times as you would like, and when you are satisfied with your score, send the BSF to myself.

    You need to keep me comprised of all your planning throughout the week.  If you can't get ahold of your opponent after a day or two, let me know that so you don't get screwed in the end.  If you agree you're flying SP, one of you email me, CCing the other one.  Same for MP.  This way, I know what you're doing, and know whos to blame if a match isin't played.

    Round 2 Begins on July 9th, and will last until July 15th

    Round 3 Begins on July 16th, and lasts until July 22nd.

    Round 4 Will Begin on July 23ed, and the Elimination Pairings Will be Announced there!

    Elimination Info

    This part of the tournament will vary from 3 to 4 weeks, depending on participation.  The minimum will be 3 weeks, with the top 8 competing.  If 13 or more people score at least 5 points during the tournament, then it will be four weeks, with the top 12 competing (top 4 will receive a bye, byes are worth 1 point, but a win none-the-less)

    Participation in round seems to have been quite good, round 2 begins tomorrow (9th) and it's even easier, just free missions this time. Don't forget you can also settle these matches in MP if you prefer. Our matches are:

    Powerslave -vs- Keller - XWA-FREE #5
    Jaruus -vs- Splot - XWA-FREE #6
    Sean -vs- Voort SaBinring - XWA-FREE #7
    Favdauker -vs- Mosh - XWA-FREE #9
    Nuno -vs- Crsepe - XWA-FREE #10
    Epic -vs- Aeolus - XWA-FREE #11
    Mikkel Filla -vs- Sayo Hirosho - XWA-FREE #13

    Closing date for round 2: July 15th


LC Tiger

CPT Aeolus

  • In contact

MAJ Powerslave

  • In contact
  • Flew XWA-TC Battle #8 (With Mission High Score!!)

LT Qetuo Painbringer

  • No Contact

LT Morpheus

  • In Contact
  • Completed TIE-TC Battles #215, 216, 217, 218, 219, and 220 (All with various high scores!  Wow!!)
  • Completed TIE-TC Battle #64

LCM Roulex

  • In contact
  • Completed Internet Basics (IBX) IWATS Course with a score of 100%
  • Completed Weaponry (WPN) IWATS Course with a score of 100%

CM Fox

  • Apparently not having fun.... :P
  • In contact
  • On leave until September, 2004


  • Please keep in regular contact with me, even if you can only send a single email every week!
  • Recruit!


NICKNAME: Protectors
BANNER: shield.jpg
MOTTO: A neverending shield

Nickname: Scutum
Motto: Be Quick or Be Dead!
1) LC Tiger (
2) CPT Aeolus (
3) TBA
4) LT Qetuo Painbringer (

Nickname: Ragnarok
Motto: When they were babies, they never left their cribs without a weapon.
1) MAJ Powerslave (
2) TBA
3) LT Morpheus (
4) LCM Roulex (

Nickname: Targe
Motto: And about those kids who liked to blow up and burn dollhouses? They grew up to be us.
1) CM Fox (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA


Squadron Citations (13):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TIE-TC Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
TIE-TC Battle 38 - Deepspace Syndicate
TIE-TC Battle 49 - Construct the Sovereign
TIE-TC Battle 55 - Double Threat
TIE-TC Battle 61 - Grand Admiral's Birthday
TIE-DB Battle 1 - Midnight Requisition
XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil


CMDR/LC Tiger/Shield/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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