Fury Report # 20 (2004-07-23)

This report was submitted by CPT Mouse Droid

Fury WSR #20


Aurora Standard Date - July, 23rd, 2004 - Report #20

"The most remarkable thing about my mother is thatfor thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has
never been found" - Calvin Trillin

My 20th report for Fury and more coming in the future! More action this week, good. Also, some
trivia submissions at last and flying too, wow! I am impressed :). The past days, I have been playing
Freelancer and like it. If I only can get Free Worlds to work too :p.

Squadron News:

  • Fury's Walking Holocron competition ended. The winner is...*drumroll*: Hunterr! Congratulations with
    the 80% score! A medal is coming your way! Thanks to all others that participated.

  • LT Apex Cure and LCM Edward have been removed from the roster to make room for new recruits.

  • I am working on a XWA free mission about Fury squadron when it takes on an E-Wing factory. When it's
    completed, I will present it to all of you. You may test fly it, if you like.

Wing/BG News:

  • Currently we have a competition to determine the best pilot of Wing XIX. It's called 
    "First Lancer of the Avenger: Third Edition". Two more days to submit! Check the details,
    it's fun and easy!

  • LC Kane Reese is on Leave until the 25th of July. Currently, I am Acting-WC for XIX. Submissions for the
    First Lancer competition go to Kane, regardless.

  • The Avenger banner competition was won by LC Kane Reese, good job WC!

EH/Tie Corps News:

  • The Fleet Medical Corps has a new manual: http://www.minos.net/~fmc/FMC/manual.html

  • The Operations Office has awarded 50,000 medals since the beginning of the office.

  • Squadron Summer Patrol is running. You have a lot of time in the summer and you want a IS-GW? 
    Survive the patrol by flying the weekly assignments and get the medal!

  • All officers that are looking for a way to show their ambition in command, should consider a Flight Leader spot.
    These are the first step toward commandership.


Lots of competitions! I value Wing and Squadron competition the most, at the moment:

  • First Lancer of the Avenger: Third edition.
    [Tie Corps]
    Start date: June, 16th, 2004
    End date:   July, 25th, 2004


    Flying assignments:
    TIE Free 92: "The Belhassa Marches"
    XWA Free 4: "Defend the ISD Colossus"
    XVT Free 25: "Steal Rebel Warheads"

  • BGCOM's Judgment July Edition
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: July, 1st, 2004
    End date:   July, 31th, 2004


    The biggest multi-activity competition in the Battlegroup. Each category has an medals for
    winner and runner-up. Submissions go to:
    Ky Terrak (kyterrak@aol.com) and Kane Reese (kanereese@tlen.pl).

    Flying assignments:
    TIETC163: "Project: Athena"
    XvTTC94: "Envoy of Peace"
    XWATC11: "Heroes of the Immortal"

    Fiction assignment:
    The day my flightsuit was stolen.

    Graphics assignment:
    Farewell Davi Anthol.

  • ATF Trivia: July 2004
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: July, 1st, 2004
    End date:   July, 31st, 2004


    Test your SW knowledge about certain ship types (I am not allowed to say which one ;).

  • The Tie Corps Summer Patrol
    [Entire Emperor's Hammer]
    Start date: July, 20th, 2004
    End date:   July, 25th, 2004 (1st round !)
    Details on main TC site.

    EH-wide - Pilots are encouraged to fly weekly assignments (for 8 weeks total). Those who
    will survive to the last week, will be awarded IS-GW! The assignments for this week are
    (choose one of the following):
    TIE-TC 24, 26, 103, 108, 121
    XvT-TC 26, 29, 40, 50, 87
    XWA-TC 1, 6, 11, 28, 33

  • The true story behind the TC database outage
    [Entire Emperor's Hammer]
    Start date: July, 20th, 2004
    End date:   August, 4th, 2004

    EH-wide - The competition is about the true story behind the TIE Corps database outage.
    You are to represent either why the database went out or how it affected you and your
    fellow members. This can be represented in the following categories: 1. Mission Design
    (in any supported EH platform) 2. Graphics 3. Fiction Graphics submissions should be below
    1MB in size. Fiction should be in either Word 2000 format (or less), RTF or HTML.
    Submissions should be directed to jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject line
    "The True Story behind the TC Database Outage" by the 4th August 2004. Be sure to
    include your usual details such as ID line.

  • Hosting Service Naming competition
    [Entire Emperor's Hammer]
    Start date: July, 20th, 2004
    End date:   August, 8th, 2004

    EH-wide - I want to start offering hosting services to EH members. However, I need a classy
    and sophisticated name for such a service. Simply send your suggested name to
    jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject line "Hosting Service Name". Be sure to include your
    usual details, such as ID Line.


CPT Mouse Droid: 
Iron Star - Silver Ribbon:  first place in Wing Challenge fiction.
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: second place in Wing Challenge graphics.

[ More coming... :) ] 

Promotions and transfers:

LT Apex Cure: transferred to Reserves
LCM Edward:  transferred to Reserves


Minimum orders for the following week:
CONTACT YOUR COMMANDER (!) and fly a free mission.


COMMANDER: CPT Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: Council of Honor
BANNER: fury.jpg
MOTTO: For the welfare of the Empire 
HOMEPAGE: http://fury.minos.net

Nickname: Dukes of Freedom
Motto: We fly to protect the Empire
1) CPT Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Hunterr (Corni12@gmx.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Earls of Justice
Motto: We die to save the Empire 
1) LCM Todar (todar@web.de)
2) TBA
3) LT Teos (sledz007@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Counts of Unity
Motto: We fight to serve the Empire
1) LC Xanatos Screed (M.Wernsing@web.de)
2) TBA
3) CM Yun (yun@poczta.fm)
4) TBA


After some shaking in our ranks, activity is very good! Excellent guys! Keep up the good work!

Mouse Droid:
IRC activity. Flew XVTDB5 and XWAF113, XvTF163, TIEF248 for Wing Challenge.
Created fiction and graphics. Created banner for Avenger banner competition. Serving as a-WC.


E-mail contact. Participated in Fury Holocron competition.
Todar: IRC contact and e-mail contact. Flew XWATC11 (BJ), XWAF4 (First Lancer of the Avenger), XWAF21. Participated in Fury Holocron competition. <-- Excellent!
Teos: E-mail contact.
Xanatos Screed: Report in!
Yun: E-mail contact. Participated in Fury Holocron competition.


Any questions or comments, mail me!

Respectfully submitted,

Mouse Droid

CMDR/CPT Mouse Droid/Fury/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

BTM/PRT Ascol Jerrin/Sentinel/Ronin/Alvaak

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