Fury Report # 19 (2004-07-16)

This report was submitted by CPT Mouse Droid

Fury WSR #19


Aurora Standard Date - July, 16th, 2004 - Report #19

"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind." - Aristoteles

Another slow week for Fury squadron, although there was plenty to do. Todar and myself participated in the
Wing Challenge. !Check the squadron news section!

Squadron News:

  • Since I didn't get a single submission for the Fury Holocron competition, I am extending the
    competition for a week. The new deadline is the 23rd of July. Come on guys, this is a very
    easy medal for you to win!

  • I am not happy with overall activity. Some of you do their best, but others haven't contacted me for
    far too long. You have until the next WSR to contact me and improve. I don't ask much, only the
    minimum. Next week, I'll review everyone's activity. If I am not satisfied with you, I will REMOVE you
    from the squadron. A shuttle will take you to the M/FRG Phoenix (Reserves). This will make room for
    active, new recruits that have the spirit to fight the Rebels. I don't want to throw anyone out,
    but it's my duty to keep Fury active.

  • I am working on a XWA free mission about Fury squadron when it takes on an E-Wing factory. When it's
    completed, I will present it to all of you. You may test fly it, if you like.

Wing/BG News:

  • There is a new Wing flying competition: First Lancer of the Avenger: Third Edition. Check the details, it's
    fun and easy!

  • Wing XVIII won the Wing Challenge by 10 points. Our Wing did rather well in XWA SP, Fiction and Graphics,
    but low participation kept a victory from our grasp.

  • CM Von Predator is the new Hunter Squadron Commander. Congratulations, Preddy! You'll do an excellent

  • Hunter squadron goes to the Sovereign League semi-finals!

EH/Tie Corps News:

  • The Fleet Medical Corps is looking for banners. IS-GR, IS-SR and IS-BR up for grabs. If many participate,
    MO Jedi Eclipse might even award the very rare IS-PR!!

  • New Wing Commander for Wing XV sought.

  • TIE FCHG 6 contained a bug. This has been fixed.

  • Position of Internet Officer (IO) open for applications.


Lots of competitions! I value Wing and Squadron competition the most, at the moment:

  • Fury's Walking Holocron
    [Fury Squadron]
    Start date: July, 9th, 2004
    End date:   July, 23th, 2004 (extended!!)


    Answer the Trivia questions, even if you're no Trivia buff! You might win a IS-BR! 

  • First Lancer of the Avenger: Third edition.
    [Tie Corps]
    Start date: June, 16th, 2004
    End date:   July, 25th, 2004


    Flying assignments:
    TIE Free 92: "The Belhassa Marches"
    XWA Free 4: "Defend the ISD Colossus"
    XVT Free 25: "Steal Rebel Warheads"

  • BGCOM's Judgment July Edition
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: July, 1st, 2004
    End date:   July, 31th, 2004


    The biggest multi-activity competition in the Battlegroup. Each category has an medals for
    winner and runner-up. Submissions go to:
    Ky Terrak (kyterrak@aol.com) and Kane Reese (kanereese@tlen.pl).

    Flying assignments:
    TIETC163: "Project: Athena"
    XvTTC94: "Envoy of Peace"
    XWATC11: "Heroes of the Immortal"

    Fiction assignment:
    The day my flightsuit was stolen.

    Graphics assignment:
    Farewell Davi Anthol.

  • ATF Trivia: July 2004
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: July, 1st, 2004
    End date:   July, 31st, 2004


    Test your SW knowledge about certain ship types (I am not allowed to say which one ;).


CPT Mouse Droid: 
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon: for winning TC meeting trivia.
Palpatine Crescent: high level of activity and participation in many competitions.

Promotions and transfers:



Minimum orders for the following week:
CONTACT YOUR COMMANDER (!) and fly a free mission.


COMMANDER: CPT Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: Council of Honor
BANNER: fury.jpg
MOTTO: For the welfare of the Empire 
HOMEPAGE: http://fury.minos.net

Nickname: Dukes of Freedom
Motto: We fly to protect the Empire
1) CPT Mouse Droid (eh_mouse@yahoo.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Hunterr (Corni12@gmx.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Earls of Justice
Motto: We die to save the Empire 
1) LCM Todar (todar@web.de)
2) TBA
3) LT Teos (sledz007@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Counts of Unity
Motto: We fight to serve the Empire
1) LC Xanatos Screed (M.Wernsing@web.de)
2) LCM Edward (mr_ed0@hotmail.com)
3) CM Yun (yun@poczta.fm)
4) LT Apex Cure (Dortmund-Fanwernsing@web.de)


I want more activity. The TIE Corps is fun, IF you try to be a part of it.
I urge everyone to contact me and do SOMETHING as activity before the next WSR
on friday. Fury's Walking Holocron competition comes to mind, for example.

I will remove any pilot I am not satisfied with. Sad, but necessary, I am afraid :(.
I respect busy real lives, but that doesn't justify idling for months without a single e-mail.
I am sure, you'll understand this.

Mouse Droid:
IRC activity. Flew XVTDB5 and XWAF113, XvTF163, TIEF248 for Wing Challenge.
Created fiction and graphics. Created banner for Avenger banner competition. Served as a-WC.


No contact.
Todar: IRC contact. Flew XWAF113 for Wing Challenge.
Teos: E-mail contact.
Xanatos Screed: No contact.
Edward: No contact
Yun: No contact.
Apex Cure: No contact


Any questions or comments, mail me!

Respectfully submitted,

Mouse Droid

CMDR/CPT Mouse Droid/Fury/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

BTM/PRT Ascol Jerrin/Sentinel/Ronin/Alvaak

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