Fury Report # 6 (2004-04-16)

This report was submitted by CPT Mouse Droid

Fury WSR #6


Aurora Standard Date - April, 16th, 2004 - Report #6

"It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.." - Somerset Maugham

First of all, I was a bit busy today, so the report is out a little later than I had hoped.
Wow, people, what a lot of activity, I am impressed! Medal time!

Squadron News:

  • Fury has a new Yahoo e-mailgroup with English as default language. The address: 
    Fury_ATF@yahoogroups.com (There is a _ between Fury and ATF!)
    Don't hesitate to start a discussion!

  • Communication is fun! Try to visit the IRC Channels (#furysquad, #atf). You'll probably
    find someone around 22.00h GMT/16.00h EST. Post on our message board!

  • I am trying to organise a flying race between Fury and another squadron. Stay tuned!

Wing News:

  • CM Zeth Durron was appointed as new Flayer commander. Congratulations!

Tie Corps News:

  • Newsletter 103 is out
    00:20 - SA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
    Newsletter 103 is now out. You can get it online at http://logistics.lusankya.org/nl/nl-103/ or as a zip
    from http://logistics.lusankya.org/nl/zip/hammer103.zip

  • New IWATS Courses
    07:04 - FA Keldorn Cochrane [keldorn@btopenworld.com]
    The Training Office has released four new IWATS courses for your general enjoyment...

    This course is designed to give you a basic introduction in the use of Macromedia Dreamweaver
    in web publishing.

    This is one of the first fictional courses brought to you by Imperial Weapons and Tactics School.
    It was designed to widen your knowledge about personal weapons used in Star Wars universe.

    Cascading Style Sheets
    This course is designed to introduce EH members to CSS and its possibilities.

    mIRC Scripting
    This course is designed to teach you how to do a little bit of scripting in mIRC. Scripts in mIRC can do
    anything from the basics like setting an away message or changing your nick, to the much more advanced,
    such as a script to retrieve an IDline. The possibilities are virtually limitless.

    I would also like to renew the call for new IWATS Courses. As you can see, courses may cover any topic
    (from fiction-based to computer programming). Anyone with ideas is welcome to send a message to 
    me at Keldorn@btopenworld.com.


  • Plotlines compendium v1.0a goes online
    01:32 - FA Marcin Szydlowski [tac@emperorshammer.org]
    I have done a basic coding so we have compendium online. Go and see it here

  • XWA Skirmish War
    08:21 - VA Khameir Sarin [khameir_sarin@yahoo.com]
    The Combat Operations Office is going to launch a Bgroup vs Bgroup XWA Skimish War this week. 
    This competition will take place in the form of 2v2 XWA Skirmish MP competition. The first round will use the
    battles that can be downloaded at The Combat Operations Office Website. Team members can only fly on one team
    and that team must be made up of pilots from the same Battle Group. I will be accepting teams until Wednesday of
    this week. Email me with your team now!

  • Applications taken for Wing XVIII WC
    04:10 - FA Cyric [jroscoe@comcast.net]
    RA Ky Terrak will be accepting applications for Wing XVIII untill Friday 4/23

  • WING X WC Chosen
    04:58 - FA Cyric [jroscoe@comcast.net]
    Congratulations to Maj Exar Kit for being named the new WC of Wing X!

  • Avenger CMDR Selected and Wing XV WC sought!
    05:31 - FA Cyric [jroscoe@comcast.net]
    COL Nightmare’s resignation from Wing XV WC is hereby accepted so that he may become the new Avenger CMDR.
    Congratulations to him on this… demotion? Certainly there were many excellent applicants for the spot, and they didn’t
    make it an easy choice! With this change, Wing XV WC is now open for applications. Please address the following:

    Should have some experience with Multiplayer combat.
    Must be willing to be actively involved in recruitment.
    Applicants may mention any prior TIE Corps experience with positions CMDR or above.
    All of the regular WC duties, including prompt reports, pilot motivation, etc.

    Address all applications to RA Daniel Goad (dazexeter@yahoo.com) and VA Khadgar (khadgar1@shaw.ca).

  • Internet Officer's Resignation
    13:12 - HA Ari [ari@tiecorps.org]
    It is with a heavy heart that I resign from my position of Internet Officer today. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 32 months
    and truly appreciate the contributions every EH member has made to the IO. Admiral Rob Dura will be taking my place as
    Internet Officer, and I will remain on staff as an IOA. For more information, please see my resignation speech at
    http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1943. Thank you, EH!


  • BGCOM's Judgment April Edition
    [Avenger Task Force]
    Start date: April, 1st, 2004
    End date:   April, 30th, 2004


    The biggest multi-activity competition in the Battlegroup. Each category has an medals for
    winner and runner-up.

  • Avenger Joke Comp #1
    [SSD Avenger]
    Start date: March, 18th, 2004
    End date:   April, 18th, 2004


    Pilots will send jokes through the Avenger Egroup for 1 month. At the end of the month
    the members of the Avenger will vote on the best Joke that was submitted. The best joke
    wins an IS-SR with second place getting an IS-BR.

  • Avenger Scholar Comp
    [SSD Avenger]
    Start date: April, 1st, 2004
    End date:   April, 30th, 2004


    The member of the Avenger that completes the most IWATS courses will receive an IS-SR.
    The runner-up earns an IS-BR.


Mouse Droid: PC, IS-BW.
Todar: ISM <-good work!  

Promotions and transfers:

Alex Mcleod: wants to transfer to the Reserves, due to RL issues.


Minimum orders for the following week:
Contact your commander and fly a free mission.


COMMANDER: CM Mouse Droid (tbaede@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: Council of Honor
BANNER: fury.jpg
MOTTO: For the welfare of the Empire 
HOMEPAGE: http://fury.minos.net

Nickname: Dukes of Freedom
Motto: We fly to protect the Empire
1) CM Mouse Droid (tbaede@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) SL Hunterr (Corni12@gmx.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Earls of Justice
Motto: We die to save the Empire 
Homepage: http://furyflight2.stardestroyer.org/
1) LT Todar (todar@web.de)
2) LT Alex Mcleod (alexmonsanto@hotmail.com)
3) LT Teos (sledz007@yahoo.com)
4) CM Mad Hatter (Hatter@Infiltrator-Wing.com)

Nickname: Counts of Unity
Motto: We fight to serve the Empire
1) LC Xanatos Screed (M.Wernsing@web.de)
2) LCM Edward (mr_ed0@hotmail.com)
3) CM Yun (yun@poczta.fm)
4) LT Apex Cure (Dortmund-Fanwernsing@web.de)


I am very pleased with the activity. Lots of IWATS completed! You make me proud.

Mouse Droid:
Flown: XvTTC41,  XvTF6,7. Contacted 5 cadets. IRC presence. ATF Trivia. Flew 2 MP matches.


No contact. Contact me!
Todar: On leave until the 18th.
Alex Mcleod -> transfer to the Reserves. Sad to see you go, Alex.
Teos: Completed IWATS: Tie Tactics.
Mad Hatter: Completed IWATS: Computer Basics, Weaponry,
Internet Basics -> Great job!
Xanatos Screed: Completed IWATS: Trillian, Weaponry, Internet Basics -> Great job!
Edward: No contact. Contact me!
Yun: No contact. Contact me!
Apex Cure: Promises to be active again.


Fury Homepage: http://fury.minos.net
Fury Message Board Forum http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=107

EH MB Forum Index:

TC Homepage: http://www.emperorshammer.net/
EH Homepage: http://www.emperorshammer.org/
mIRC Download Page: http://www.mirc.com/get.htm
IWATS: http://to.minos.net/
BGCOM's JUDGEMENT Page: http://bj.stardestroyer.org/
EH Mission Download Center: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/

Any questions or comments, mail me!

Respectfully submitted,

Mouse Droid

CMDR/CM Mouse Droid/Fury/SSD Avenger

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