Crusader Report # 45 (2004-04-10)

This report was submitted by LC Vladet Xavier

Crusader Weekly Squadron Sarcasm

Weekly Squadron Sarcasm

This is LC Vladet Xavier reporting in for Crusader Squadron on April 10th, 2004

From the Commander's Office

Everyone welcome SL Sard Dau'kar to Crusader! Fresh off the PLT Daedalus he'll be a great asset to the squadron and Wing. Let's hope that promotion to full Lieutenant comes quick!

Otherwise it's pretty slow. Sorry for the late report (I'm slipping), but I had to come home early from work because I was sick and slept the rest of the day. I didn't even get to play Galacrack.

Check out the Squadron Website for updated news, and stupid little things here and there that are somewhat funny and hilarious. Do it. Now. Yeah, just click the link. Shut up and do it.

Wolfpack News

CM Malidir is the new Commanding Officer of Valkyrie Squadron. Best wishes to him and his new command.

Our ship website, ISD Grey, contains updated point totals for both individual and squadrons.

Fleet News

Mike isn't liked, Frey is being HCI'd, some Sov Wings closed so they re-opened Wing VII. Oh, and the Colossus closed (or one of those TCBG ships).



Activity Report

CMDR-TCS-PROF/LC Vladet Xavier
-All activity is classified.

-All activity is classified.

FM/CPT Panaka
-All activity is classified.

FM/CM Repulsor
-All activity is classified.

FL/LCM Vance Blackguard
-All activity is classified.

FM/LCM Artur Knight
-All activity is classified.

FL-TCS/CM Marcus Caine
-All activity is classified.

FM/MAJ Keiran
-All activity is classified.

FM/SL Sard Dau'kar
-Just joined up!

Commander's Forum

Can't remember what I did this week in Galacrack besides the usual go around and shoot creatures and take their hide and bones. I did get a visit from a CSR (Customer Service Rep) for exploiting a well known exploit. He was friendly though, so all was cool. Got to Novice Squad Leader, now just need the XP for the skills (which is a LOT). Love it.

In service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Lieutenant Colonel Vladet Xavier
Lieutenant Colonel 
( - "Roster Killer"
CMDR-TCS-PROF/LC Vladet Xavier/Crusader/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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