Crusader Report # 38 (2004-02-13)

This report was submitted by LC Vladet Xavier

Crusader Weekly Squadron Sarcasm

Weekly Squadron Sarcasm

This is MAJ Vladet Xavier reporting in for Crusader Squadron on February 13th, 2004

From the Commander's Office

Activity in the squadron has risen considerably this past week. Great job! I'm not quite sure where Vance is, but rest assured something will be done to correct the situation. We have a new pilot (probably) incoming within the next week, so that's good.

Lt. Commander Rem Somnos is now off our roster. Basically he had a new e-mail address, and was too lazy to e-mail the Flight Officer to change his profile. If he couldn't do that, then well what could he do? He did promise activity for SC, but I saw no sign of that whatsoever. Good riddence!

I've talked with Sector Admiral Astatine, and he doesn't know what the hell is wrong with the mailer. In short, I do not recieve Flight Office, Operations Office, or TAC Office notifications. I do recieve Multiplayer Awards (LoCs) and IWATS notifications, however. Remember to notify me if you get one of the ones listed that I do not get.

Remember to type up 100 Star Wars-esque trivia questions before the end of the month. Also take the easy IWATS courses offered (MP, ICQ, AIM, etc). I want someone flying XWA battles, and the rest flying TIE and XvT battles ... updated flying lists headed your way this weekend.

I got promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

Check out the Squadron Website for updated news, and stupid little things here and there that are somewhat funny and hilarious. Do it. Now. Yeah, just click the link. Shut up and do it.

Wolfpack News

New pilot will be arriving within the week.

The ship is almost full. Thanks to my "Roster Killing" skills, this is a tougher task. Makes it much more fun, though, eh?

I suppose I could plug ISD Grey, the new addy for our ship's website. It has been named Internet Office (Nazi) Site of the Week (4 stars), and contains unofficial points totals for Wing XIII.

Fleet News

Admiral Darksaber (ASF BGCOM) is pretty much Missing in Action ... yup.

SSL will be starting soon ... I think I'll be signing us up for the XvT division. That's one FREE mission every week. Not too bad, eh?


God knows why Foley is creating such a backlog ...

Activity Report

CMDR-TCS/LC Vladet Xavier
-All activity is classified.

-All activity is classified.

FM/CPT Panaka
-All activity is classified.

FM/CM Repulsor
-All activity is classified.

FL/LCM Vance Blackguard
-All activity is classified.

FM/LCM Artur Knight
-All activity is classified.

FL-TCS/CM Marcus Caine
-All activity is classified.

Commander's Forum

Activity is pretty good and I'm pleased. I don't want you guys ruining your social lives for this (god knows I haven't). It's a Star Wars club, an internet gaming club, and I'd much rather hear that you got trashed and scored with some hot chick then spending Friday night flying X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter. Just keep up this pace and we'll do alright, and I'll be very proud to be your Commander.

Squadron Citations Corner

Crusader Squadron currently has 43 citations. With fifteen points a citation, we're racking them in hand over fist ... keep it up!

In service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Lieutenant Colonel Vladet Xavier
( - "Roster Killer"
CMDR-TCS/LC Vladet Xavier/Crusader/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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