Crusader Report # 33 (2004-01-09)

This report was submitted by LC Vladet Xavier

Crusader Weekly Squadron Sarcasm

Weekly Squadron Sarcasm

This is MAJ Vladet Xavier reporting in for Crusader Squadron on January 9th, 2004

<`Vlad> Oh, and Khad. if you plan on coming back to the Wolf, please dont choose Crusader :P

From the Commander's Office

We're well into the new year, and interesting things are happening already. Our old squadmate, Keiran Laserlight, has stepped down from Vortex CMDR due to real life issues. He'll be staying as a Flight Member in Vortex, but the Wolf has lost a good CMDR.

Vlad's Easter Egg Hunt II is now underway. Details for the competition can be found here. There are some major changes from the first Egg Hunt, so be sure to read the instructions carefully. The Hunt for the IS-GR continues as Gilad leads the (Wolf)pack by winning last week's hunt.

Commander Caine has started a low-score FREE competition for the wing. Ask him for details on which FREEs will be flown, and other stuff.

Check out the Squadron Website for updated news, and stupid little things here and there that are somewhat funny and hilarious. Do it. Now. Yeah, just click the link. Shut up and do it.

Wolfpack News

With the resignation of Captain Laserlight, the position of Vortex Squadron CMDR is now open for applications. As long as you have Squadron Management II or III (SM/2 /3) completed, you have a shot if you're smart enough.

As usual, a bunch of Iron Star competitions are running (FCHG, fiction, trivia, etc) on the Wing level. Glance at Gilad's or Yoda's reports to find out more information on these easy medals.

Fleet News

The Internet Office has released a new guideline for EH websites that will go into effect in two weeks. Basically you need a password encryption for your minos site or face penalties. SquadFirst+ templates are covered, but if anyone running original SF needs help, I know how to do it, and will assist you.

In accordance to above, the XO of the fleet has stated that the Internet Office does not have the authority to enact such a guideline, and that it has not been approved by either the Fleet Commander or Executive Officer. Such a soap opera!

The new Combat Operations Office website is now online. It contains a lot of information about multi-player gaming, including tips, a Hall of Fame, and FAQ about items such as "How to Earn DFCs", among other things. Check it out here.

The Combat Operations Officer, Vice Admiral Sarin, has also started up an EH ladder for XvT, XWA, and 2v2 XvT. Find a wingmate and dominate the 2v2 ladder. Remember, every win snags you a Legion of Combat (LoC) medal. XWA 2v2 ladder will begin sometime next month.

The EH will celebrate it's 9th year anniversary sometime around now, which means Commendations of Loyalty (CoL) need awarding. Three Wing members shall recieve these bi-annual medals, so those who are loyal and active, shall reap the rewards (lame, yes I know).

Applications for the EH Communications Officer (COMM) are still being accepted. Send your apps to the Fleet Commander (Ronin) and Executive Officer (Astatine). If you want to see the Fleet's most un-dedicated Flag officer, look no further than Rear Admiral BubbaX, who has applied for the position. In fact, he's applied for every CS/Advisor/SGCOM job except for Combat Operations Officer! Amazing!

The Flight Officer needs to close down 3 Wing V squads and put a CMDR in Test Squadron so they don't show up in the 'Command Openings' page. Hey Reeves (CA:FO), since you're in charge of reading these, why don't you tell him, eh? Thanks.

Just a reminder that multi-player comps are held in Undernet channel #ehcoc. So go fly and boost your Combat Rating. There is talk of a CR badge for your uniform, so you want one of those ... right? Anyway, XvT Week of War starts up in like 3 weeks, so get ready for that.


Legion of Combat x13 (LoC) to Major Xavier for thirteen XWA Week of War victories
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) to Major Xavier for Dec. XWA Week of War
Iron Star Silver Wings (IS-SW) to Major Xavier for being top Grey Wolf pilot in Dec. XvT WoW
Iron Star Silver Wings (IS-SW) to Major Xavier for being top Grey Wolf pilot in Dec. XWA WoW
Iron Star Bronze Wings (IS-BW) to Commander Caine for the largest FCHG gain in Crusader for December
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) to Commander Caine for the "Back to School" comp in December
Medal of Instruction (MoI) to Major Xavier for instructing a Cadet

Activity Report

CMDR-TCS/MAJ Vladet Xavier
-XWA Week of War - 13 victories (16 matches)

-Is gonna be booted next week. Cya.

FC/LCM Durakon Staely
-Is currently on leave.

FM/CPT Panaka
-In contact via e-mail.

FM/CM Repulsor
-In contact via e-mail.

FM/LCM Rem Somnos
-No contact. Fix this!

FM/LCM Lazyleesblood
-Will be booted next week. Cya.

FL/LCM Vance Blackguard
-In contact via IRC.

FM/LCM Artur Knight
-In contact via IRC and messageboards.

FL/CM Marcus Caine
-Is currently on leave until January 5th

Commander's Forum

If you noticed above, two of our pilots will be saying goodbye shortly. Lazyleesblood just wants out of the EH, and that is alright. ZuQ hasn't been in direct contact with me for quite a while, so I'm tired of waiting for him. You can rejoin the squad after SC:VI, boys.

Remember people, as I have mentioned before: This is a multi-player ship and battlegroup. While flying multi-player is not mandatory (and I certainly won't make you do it), that is what we're here for. Plus, it's far more fun than single-player, especially when we have 2v2s and 3v3s. Trust me, it's a blast.

Squadron Citations Corner

Crusader Squadron currently has a whopping 17 citations. This slight increase is due to Commander Caine joining up, which is cool. More citations to come no doubt.

In service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Major Vladet Xavier
( - "Dark Knight"
CMDR-TCS/MAJ Vladet Xavier/Crusader/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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