Tempest Report # 8 (2005-04-01)

This report was submitted by CPT Daniel Bonini

Tempest Squadron Weekly Report #8 – 1st of April 2005

***~Introdutory Note~***

Good day to everyone. I start this report by saying that I have faith in our squadron, I think. Tempest is growing and evolving, and I believe that we are forming a very nice team. It’s a squadron filled with pilots of the best category. And there is every kind of people here, I mean, we have great pilots, we have a graphics specialist, we have people that can write amazingly, people recruiting, and so on...I’m pretty sure that, with the right participation, Tempest is capable of winning any competition it participates.

Today starts a new competition, called “Tempest Top Gun”. The purpose of this competition is that it is supposed to be kind of a training. First, because I want to see what kind of participation I can expect in a flying competition. Of course, the participation in these comps is mandatory, but there are people who just can’t fly, like P, or normal people who have computer related problems. Second, I’d like to see what kind of scoring the squadron could get, and try to figure some things out, like the possibility to help with tactics, whenever we have a competition against another squadron.

On other matters, I have a hard time managing the updates and modifications of Tempest’s website, but I’m learning the magic of Microsoft FrontPage. It’s a crazy software....sometimes it works, most times it doesn’t.

Tempest Recruiting Comp reaches the end of the first month, and the second month begins....I’m disappointed, no new recruits so far. If any of you got just one recruit, it would be worth two medals, one for the recruit, and another for being the person who recruited the most for the first month....what a waste....Perhaps in the second month somebody gets a little more animated. It starts today and ends may 1st. My hopes are up though.

***~Squadron News~***

* LT Impulse continues his amazing amount of flying, letting his CMDR pleased....not ashamed this time, tho, because his CMDR actually managed to do some flying himself....hehehe!!!

* Finally, Chris had the honor of inaugurating our message board. Go check it http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=64 and don’t forget to post something

* Our new pilot LT Haedaliel Belil-Gaviel, delivered me two tfrs this week, including Tie-Free 193, for Chal vs. Rel comp...what an example!!!

* We already have our website uploaded...go take a look at http://tempest.tcbg.net!!! It has already a new part: competitions center.

* Tempest Recruiting Comp
Read about it in the Competition Center – got denied once, fixed, and now approved....so far no recruits....I want to give someone a medal for this! Try it people!

* SL Ozkan Ata has still not responding to any contact attempts...please, contact me

* Squadron Standing Orders: every week i want you to do one of the following:
- Fly something from the Mission Compendium
- Take an IWATS Course
- Write some fiction
- Create a graphic
- Submit something for the Squadron Report (Fiction, graphics, garbage, etc)

If you haven't noticed Tempest is in desperate need of pilots, get out there and ask your friends, your relatives, parents, grandmothers, dogs, I don't care, lets just get some people in here. I am offering an ISM per recruit (Cadet and RSV's alike) and a PC per 5 recruits, so there’s a chance for you to get lots of medals and to help not only the squad but also the wing.)

This is deactivated until the Tempest Recruiting Comp has ended.

***~Squadron Orders~***

* SL Ozkan Ata, contact me
* Fly Tie-Free 193 for Chal vs. Rel
* Fly Tie-Free 116 for Tempest Top Gun
* Fly a FREE mission......or a battle if you dare
* Take an IWATS course
* Participate on every competition that is released

***~Wing/BG News~***

* Don’t forget about Wing X’s Sunday meetings, at #wing_x, always at 9:00pm EST (GMT -5:00). Go participate.

* Locke’s pleased with the ship’s last week activity: lots of flying, and five new members, including our LT Haedaliel, plus two new recruits do Typhoon, and two new to Inferno....Great to see the roster filling up.

* Great news is that Tornado Squadron is about to be reopened. Whoever wants to be TorCMDR have to apply to Locke and Coranel....but they are very demanding about choosing a CMDR who can help to get at least six new recruits to fill the squadron. Good luck to Tornado.

* Pilot of the Month is Colonel George

* Squadron of the Month is Inferno Squadron

* Another great news is that ISD Immortal is about to be recommissioned, on a new Imperial Alliance Beta testing basis. Great to see the Immortal back, and good luck to all beta testers.

* I think the Challenge is doing very well on the comp against the Relentless, at least on the run-on part: I am terrible at run-ons myself, but Locke and Chris are doing an amazing job, along with a few others. It would be very bad to lose on the flying parts of the comp, tho, so, I’d like more people flying the free missions.

***~Fleet News~***


***~Competitions Center~***

* Tempest Recruiting Comp
It’s a pretty simple comp: it starts march 1st, and it runs for two months.
For every two recruits that goes to the wing, you receive an IS-BR (I want copies of the e-mails when you have first contacted the recruit).
For every recruit that comes to Tempest, you receive an IS-BR.
The person who has recruited the most in the first month receives na IS-BR, and the Second Month too, so, there are a lot of medal opportunities.
The recruits can come either from the PLT Daedalus, or from FRG Phoenix, this means, CDT’s and RSV’s.
As you can see, this competition is a long term thing for us to fill all the positions available in the squadron, and to help where we can in the wing...
I would like everyone to participate....Just contact people in Daedalus offering help, or contact an old friend in the reserves, and try to get them in here....It’s best for everyone when we have a full house.

* ISD Challenge vs. ISD Relentless/Flaggie Slap Fight
During the period of March 25th to April 8th, the Challenge and the Relentless will engage in hostilities in the way of missions and a run-on. All pilots of the ISD Relentless and the ISD Challenge will fly TIE-FREE #193 and XWA-FREE #115.
By the end of April 8th, each ship will add up and submit a total score of all TIE pilot files for their TIE score, and a total score of all XWA pilot files for their XWA score. The two highest scorers in each division will be awarded a IS-SW and a IS-BW respectively. At the same time, all pilots of the ISD Relentless and the ISD Challenge shall participate in a run-on to be done in the TCBG forum under the supervision of the BGCOM. The topic shall be that the Relentless and Challenge must work together in a seek-and-destroy mission against a Rebel task force.
During the first week pilots shall describe various rivalries going on while the two ships are hunting down this task force. Battle against the rebel task force shall not begin until, a week into the competition, a post is given (by VA BubbaX) to indicate that the rebel forces have been found a battle has commenced. The ship that accumulates the most posts in the run-on shall be declared the victor of that division. Each run-on post must have significant substance, and ultimately whether a post counts or not shall be decided by VA BubbaX.
The ship that wins at least 2 of the 3 divisions (TIE, XWA, runon) shall be declared the winner. At the same time, a side-comp involving the teams of the ChalFlags, the RelFlags, and the BGCOM and Mell shall compete against each other using the same TIE and XWA missions to have the right to brag against the others all day long and will also be awarded an IS-GW. Each team will fly the TIE and XWA missions, and both scores will be added together together to produce a final score. The team with the highest score shall be the victors.

* Tempest Top Gun
It runs through the month of April, with a free mission to be flown per week. Every week top scorer is to be awarded an IS-BW. Combined top scorer for all the free missions will be awarded another IS-BW. This week’s mission is Tie-Free 116. Tfr’s are due next Friday. Get to it!!!!

***~The Usual Suspects~***

CPT Daniel Bonini
03/28/2005 – Set up Tempest’s new mailing list
03/28/2005 – Submitted phrase for TCBG Supurlative Super Contest
03/28/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 64
03/28/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 65 – new highscores missions 1 and 3!!!
03/28/2005 – Flew Tie-Free 193 for Chal vs. Rel comp – new highscore!!!
03/29/2005 – Flew XWA-Free 115 for Chal vs. Rel comp
03/29/2005 – Asked for database e-mail change to solve problems.....not granted yet
03/30/2005 – Updated Tempest’s website.....sort of......score is FrontPage 4x0 Dan
03/30/2005 – Flew TC-XWA 1
03/31/2005 – Flew TC-XWA 2
04/01/2005 – Fixed Tempest Weekly squadron report format...this time I tested it a million times, and it works!!!

COL Sephiroth
E-mail activity: 2
03/29/2005 – Had problems with TCBG report from Bubba

LT Haedaliel Belil-Gaviel
E-mail activity: 1
03/31/2005 – Flew Tie-Free 193 for Chal vs. Rel comp – good work!!!
03/31/2005 – Turned in old tfr from Tie-Free 179 which she had never delivered

CPT Rover
E-mail activity: none
04/xx/2005 – none

LT Impulse
E-mail activity: 5
03/26/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 222 – new highscores missions 1, 3, 4, 5 and new battle highscore!!!
03/27/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 2
03/27/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 5
03/27/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 10
03/27/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 11
03/28/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 13
03/28/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 14
03/28/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 17
03/28/2005 – Flew TC-Tie 18
04/01/2005 – Flew Tie-Free 116 for Tempest Top Gun – that was quick...
04/01/2005 – Flew TC-XW 4....new highscores missions 2, 3, 4 and new battle highscore!!!
04/01/2005 – Recruiting
04/01/2005 – Tried to contact SL Ozkan, since he’s from a closer region...maybe her server responds....great iniciative...

LC Chris McCollum
E-mail activity: none
03/xx/2005 – Working like hell on the Chal vs. Rel comp run-on part...Chris will be crucial to an eventual Challenge victory.....great work!!!!!

SL Ozkan Ata
E-mail activity: none
04/xx/2005 – none

LCM Prost Varsis
E-mail activity: none
04/xx/2005 – annoyed every poor soul he encountered

***~Challenge’s Most Wanted~***

COMMANDER: CPT Daniel Bonini (boninidaniel@uol.com.br)
NICKNAME: Riders on the Storm
BANNER: tempest.jpg
MOTTO: "May the winds blow till they have waken'd death!" - Othello
HOMEPAGE: http://tempest.tcbg.net
MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=64

Nickname: Cupid's Arrows
Motto: "Mortuus ex Vento" -- "Death from the Wind"
1) CPT Daniel Bonini (boninidaniel@uol.com.br)
2) COL Sephiroth (eh_sephiroth@comcast.net)
3) LT Haedaliel Belil-Gaviel (xxrenegadestarxx@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: "Katayoku no Tenshi" - The One Winged Angels
Motto: We are the Plague of the Galaxy!
1) CPT Rover (eh_rowaasr13@mail.ru )
2) LT Impulse (impulse@tiefighter.org)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Imperial Monsoon
Motto: "We'll blow you off your feet."
1) LC Chris McCollum (ministryisadeity@aol.com)
2) SL Ozkan Ata (spock@inbox.ru)
3) LCM Prost Varsis (thecrazynomad@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Squadron Citations (6):
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
TIE-TC Battle 44 - Military Complex Operation
TIE-TC Battle 48 - Ski Hoth - Star Wars Mercenaries
TIE-TC Battle 134 - Damaged TIEs
TIE-TC Battle 139 - Mugaari Insurgence

***~Dark Lord of the Week~***

The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success of the Squadron, amused the CMDR, or slipped me the most $5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

People from the Challenge, doing an amazing job against the Rel!!!

***~Ewok of the Week~***

Yub Yub!

Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:

People from the Rel........buuuuuuuuuuu......

***~Quote of the Week~***

I would put the messages posted on our message board here, but I’d rather you go take a look for yourselves.....Then, maybe, you post something :)

***~Final Comments~***

We have a busy week ahead of us....Lot’s of comps going on.....good luck to you all.
On another hand.....I apologize if anything was missing in this report.....I rushed to finish it....because, today, at my neighborhood, there was a very long power failure.....and when the power came back....believe me.....the internet server went down for hours......this report was an odyssey!!!!! Hehe :)

Respectfully submitted,
Captain Daniel Bonini
ISD Challenge - Tempest Squadron Commander

CMDR/CPT Daniel Bonini/Tempest/Wing X/ISD Challenge
BSx2/PCx14/ISMx16/MoI/IS-8BW-2BR-2SW-1SR-1GW/CoL/CoB/OV- 5E [LGNR] {IWATS-MP-SM/3-TM/1-TT}

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