Viper Report # 11 (2003-01-17)

This report was submitted by CM Gistenjunge

Viper WSR

Viper Squadron's Report #11, 1/17/03

CMDR's Thoughts

I am very unhappy about the current activity of all Viper's (including me). I don't know what kind of business you are doing at the moment or if you are on leave or whatever happened to you. The only pilot who reported in this week is LCM Tatsu and he's the only active pilot. That's not how it should be!
I always try to lead by example and it's a shame that in january my activity slumped down to nearly nothing, though january is the most important month, because the SC is running right now. I had some RL and computer problems which aren't solved yet, but I will try to participate in the XvT WoW(which starts today *hint* *hint*) to get some more points.
I hope that all of you get some points too. At the moment Viper is not only the last squadron on the Intrepid, NO, Viper has fewest points of ALL ASF squadrons!!
Leading an active squadron is real fun, but leading an inactive squadron is frustrating. I want to have fun, that means I want you to get active!
Right now 3 out of 6 pilots have 0(zero) points. You know that if you don't get any points you'll be AWOLed by our COM and in this point he has my full backup.

I know that is an unusual tone in my reports. Normally I don't take these things so serious, but I took over the command of Viper to get you busy and to have fun together. If my 'usual' way can't motivate you, I have to try other methods.

I know that any of you have great potential to fly and to show other ways of activity, but I don't know why you went in suspense mode and don't want to wake up again. I hope I see a change soon, because the Int and the Mutt are pretty close together and any point might decide the winner in the end.

Something to say to the VTAC, everyone failed to send in the first SP battle in time, so the one who got most scores in the second will receive the IS-BW. One medal for a single battle ain't bad...


Viper Top Ace Competition: Battle for SP iS iw#25. Every offical MP match counts(win 2pts, tie 1.5pts, loss 1pt).

CM Gistenjunge: SP none. MP 4 wins, 2 loss means 10points

LCM Dion Ellis: none.

CPT John Clark: SP none. MP 3 losses means 3points

LT Kyle Farenheights: none.

LCM Tatsu: none.

LT TK-7195: none.

Viper Staff

* Chief Homepage Officer: CM Gistenjunge

* Homepage Officer Flight I: LCM Dion Ellis.

* Homepage Officer Flight II: TBA.

* Homepage Officer Flight III: LCM Tatsu

* Moral Officer: LCM Tatsu.

* Citations Officer: CM Gistenjunge

* Recruiting Officer: TBA.

* Education Officer: TBA

* Squadron Doctor: TBA


* If you see any violation, report them through the chain of command!

* Skipping missions is NOT allowed. If you put invularabilty or anything that zeroes your score on, you must notify me!! As a reminder, your pilot file should look like 8622-xvt-tc-20.plt, #pin-game-type-#number.plt.

* No more XWA testers are needed at the moment. But you can apply for TIE/XvT/BoP. But remember these basic rules:
1. Always include your PIN
2. When applying for TIE, cc TCC:TIE, XvT, TCC:XvT. Also ALWAYS cc my Command Attache.
3. You must have current mission design course passed (for TIE it's TM, for XvT it's XTM/1 and for XWA it's XAM). Do not apply if you don't have this course passed.
4. I don't tolerate slacking in my office. It's not squadron. You fail to test, you are out.

* COO is on emergency leave. LoC's and stuff can't be awarded at the moment. He will be back on sunday to reward any MP related medals.

* TIE Corps Banner Design Competition is running right now. You have time to create a banner and send it to until jan26th. Zip the file and and put "TC Banner" into the subject.

Wing/Ship News

* The ASF SC is on. At the moment the Grey Wolf is leading(app. 60 pts ahead the Intrepid)

Squadron News

* Viper has fewest points in the SC so far, that must change!!

* CM Gistenjunge put a new Viper HomePage online, you can view it here.

* Viper still needs a new Flight Leader for Flight2. If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, drop me a line.

* LCM Tatsu created a squadron patch. You can view it here. Feedback is appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------

Squadron Status

* Looks like the laziness got most of us...fight it and help the Intrepid win the SC!!


* none.

New Pilots/Transfers

* none.

Pilots on leave

* none.

CMDR's Orders

* Fly for the VTAC(will also count for the SC)

* write something to our runon

* Try MP!! It's great fun. If you need help/tips/assistance email me.

* fly any battles to gain us more citations

* use our MB at, communication is an important part of squadron life.

* join the wing 14 cantina on IRC, #wingxiv

* have fun

Squadron Activty

CMDR/CM Gistenjunge: email/MB/IRC active; flew MP (1w, 1l);

FM/LCM Dion Ellis: no contact. please contact me as soon as possible.

FM/CPT John Clark: no contact. please report in John.

FM/LT Kyle Farenheights: no contact. report in ASAP!

FM/LCM Tatsu: email/MB/IRC active; is creating grafic characters, drop him a line for more information; is creating Flight3 homepage.

FM/LT TK-7195: no contact. please drop me a line.


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CM Gistenjunge (
NICKNAME: The Venom of the Emperor
MOTTO: The silent bite in the night

Nickname: Sting of Death
Motto: Your destiny is chosen when we arrive.
1) CM Gistenjunge ( #8622
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) LCM Dion Ellis ( #7763

Nickname: Poison Providers
Motto: Time to run rebel scum.
1) TBA
2) CPT John Clark (
3) LT Kyle Farenheights ( #9805
4) TBA

Nickname: Venom Flight
Motto: First to bite, last to die
1) LCM Tatsu ( #7141
2) TBA
3) LT TK-7195 ( #7195
4) TBA


FCHG Ranking

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)

* [701] CPT John Clark

Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)

* [426] CM Gistenjunge

Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)

* [160] LCM Tatsu
* [154] LCM Dion Ellis

Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)

* [79] LT TK-7195

Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

* [49] LT Kyle Farenheights

CR Ranking

Top Ace 3rd (300 points)

* [301] CM Gistenjunge

Trainee (1 point)

* [2] CPT John Clark
* [1] LCM Dion Ellis


* XvT-TC Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
* XvT-TC Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
* XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
* XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
* XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
* XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
* XvT-TC Battle 7 - The Resupply
* XvT-TC Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
* XvT-TC Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
* XvT-TC Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
* XvT-TC Battle 11 - Krayt Squadron Training
* XvT-TC Battle 12 - Odin's Redemption
* XvT-TC Battle 13 - Graduates, Graduate!
* XvT-TC Battle 14 - Orion Base Crisis
* XvT-TC Battle 15 - The Cattle Groups: The Search for Dodgy Dairy
* XvT-TC Battle 16 - Deep strike at K'atalla
* XvT-TC Battle 20 - Mysterious People
* XvT-TC Battle 26 - INT Shire
* XvT-TC Battle 29 - Super Elite Encounter
* XvT-TC Battle 30 - Wing XV: Hornet Squadron
* XvT-TC Battle 31 - Pirate Scouts
* XvT-TC Battle 39 - Wing XV: Scorpion Squadron
* XvT-DB Battle 1 - Jedi Academy
* XvT-DB Battle 2 - Rascar Political Disruption
* XvT-DB Battle 3 - House Ludo Kressh: Battle for Frondra
* XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
* XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
* that makes a total of 27 Citations. Plus 6 compared to last week =).


CMDR/CM Gistenjunge/Viper/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid

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