Teth Report # 0 (2003-02-12)

This report was submitted by COL Mini Minkus

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, it was this or a lecture, so I chose the lesser of two evils, the once in a lifetime fun filled adventure that is the Teth Squadron Report! >:P

1. NTL are evil, evil I tell you! >:P

As the topic says, folk from NTL are evil. Upon my return to University (yes, believe it or not, I managed to scrape my way in, people. >:P) they were doing "maintenace" (Read sitting in our kitchen, drinking our beer. >:P) on my Halls phone lines, thus I had no connection, one month later they're finally finished and you'll be thrilled to know that I'm back, gracing your IRC screens and the mailing list! Actually, on second thoughts, that's not such a great thing, ah well, I don't care? >:P

2. Random Bit of Sovereign News...

The Squadron League is back on March 15th...

3. Random bit of Minkus Rant...

Y'all didn't think I was going to let that one go past with out mentioning anything, did you? >:P The powers have be have announced the running of a Squadron League, which, I'm praying to the heavens above, is nothing like the last one. Well, apart from the whole we gave everyone a damn good smacking part. >:P Anyway, just to make this nice and clear to everyone right now. Teth is going to win the Squadron League. Anybody not get that? No? Good. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less what else you do between March 15th and August, the scheduled end date, as long as you fly for this. A way back when in 2001, winning the Squadron League was what brought us together in the first place, but the problem is, apart from those in the Final, no other bugger knows we won it. So we're going to win it, and then tell everyone to go forth and multiply. >:P Because, quite frankly, I'm sick of having to explain that we won it, but weren't announced the winners, thanks to a German with a Maths problem. >:P That and I didn't know when to shut up. All you oldies know what I'm talking about. >:P

4. Wing IV massacring some poor fools...

And this months poor fools would be those in Wing VIII, those nice people who ran a Squadron League for us to win back in the summer. They weren't very good then, and I'd imagine they aren't very good now. >:P Of course, their ability is a mute point, since, well, we're just that damn good, aren't we kiddies? >:P Anyway, fly DB-TIE #11 by the end of the month, otherwise there shall be abusive phone calls. And many of them! >:P The Pilot files goto the WC and myself, and the usual shiney trinkets are being given out to those of us who are any good at this flying malarky. >:P Oh. And bearing in mind that moct of us have already flown this battle, none of you are that big a pisshead you can't find your old file, m'kay? >:P

5. Interal Wing Competitions...

By a strange coicidence, the Wing Ace comp is also TIE=DB #11. Funny that? >:P There are also a bunch of other shiney trinkets up for grabs in a variety of different competitions, that, if you feel like a change, and doing something, you can have a lot at the Wing report. Slackers. >:P

6. Irony. How I love thee... >:P

Thanks to the irony that is my life, the day I got back to Uni, and lost my connection to the Internet, I got a mail from the Sigma CMDR, offering a competition. Now, I'm sure we all remember Sigma don't we? They were that annoying lot that always got big snazzy awards, despite the fact we were better than them. >:P Now, I assume no one has a problem if I mail their CMDR back, apologise for the delay, and offer to hand their teeth back to them on a plate do you? (Please bear in mind any who does object, will not have their teeth handed back to them. >:P) Excellent. >:P

7. Random Fleet Stuff...

Can be found at http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp if you feel like finding anything out go there, since the chance of me remembering any of it are the same as me not getting pissed whilst around alcohol. >:P

Anyway, that's it for another fun filled Teth Report. Since the WC seems to have hired several large, menacing peeople armed with a variety of sharpe objects as a suggestion for me to do more reports, you may be lucky (or unlucky, depending on your point of view) and get more of these little beauties. As always, thoughts, comments and abuse can be sent to daz@mini-minkus.freeserve.co.uk or just look for the man, the legend that is me on IRC. >:P

CMDR/COL Mini Minkus/Teth/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
GS/BSx6/PCx15/ISMx18/MoI/MoT-1gh-1bh/IS-7BW-2BR-1SW-1GW/LoC-CSx2/CoL/CoB/OV-3E [GLDR] {IWATS-M/1-SM/2}

And now, the bit you've all really been waiting for....

The ">:P" Counter!

Number of >:P's in this report is.... 23!

(Disclaimer >:P's after the Signature at the end of the Report are not counted in the >:P counter. So don't try and be smart, and tell me I got it wrong. >:P)

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