Vortex Report # 0 (2003-01-18)

This report was submitted by MAJ Kodiak Kereban

Vortex Squadron Report

Saturday - 19th January 2003


"This isn't exactly my best day ever..." Kodiak thought as another wave of A-wings emerged from hyperspace,  all with fully refreshed and alert pilots and possibly even worse, fully armed concussion missiles. With Supremacy Competition Five underway, Kodiak was pushing himself to the limit and beyond over the past few weeks. He'd killed countless rebels, and had been lucky in not being vaped. A warning light flashed on his HUD, as another A-wing managed to get a lock and fire a missile. Slamming the TIE into a snaproll to the right, and then pulling back on his yoke, he saw the flash of the missile flash beneath him and soar off into the distance. Dropping back down again, and getting behind the nearest A-wing, he took a quick glance at his ship status. Jeez, shields at 60%, hull in the green, and I'm out of missiles, and I've still got five A-wings left to vape. The mission had started as a simple recon, go investigate reports of a stricken freighter in an asteroid field. He had found the freighter alright, it was just in pieces, when the first four A-wings shot from behind one of the larger asteroids. He'd managed to take out three of them with his missiles, and then the last one got off a comm message.

Just then, a large explosion shook the craft almost to pieces, and sent Kodiak spiralling into a spin, towards the heart of the asteroid field where the rocks were dense, and would punch holes straight through the TIE. DAMN, where did he come from? sounded throughout Kod's head. The warning lights lit up all around Kod as each A-wing swung and took aim with their missiles. Oh dear.

"Sir, it looks like we win this round" echoed from his communicatiosn system, as the cockpit faded to blackness and the canopy opened. Looking around, he was pleased to note that the pilots he'd vaped were already discussing tactics for how they could try and beat him next time. Good luck boys thought Kod as he jumped down the ladder and went to meet the guy who had just about waxxed his tail.

"Excellent job captain, missile fired at long range with no lock, didn't even see it coming" boomed Kod as he shook CPT Mace's hand, which was a firm grip. Mace smiled slightly, and simply said

"Drinks are on you"

Squadron News

Well, you read the story, now its time for you to make me owe you those drinks. If you beat my score in SC:V, you will get a special prize from me. I'll post SC:V scores on the e-group shortly, so no activity reports for this week.

Basically, your jobs are simple :- Get points, by taking IWATS, flying, doing trivia like Khad said, or writing fiction or making graphics. That story up there, I didn't even know I was going to write til I started this report, it just came to me. So I'm going to finish it, and send it in. Its easy!

So Vortex, its time for us to shine now. Lets get to it!

CMDR/MAJ Kodiak Kereban/Vortex/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
-=Wing XIII WC's Own - Feb-Apr-May-July 2002=-

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