Nemesis Report # 18 (2003-01-24)

This report was submitted by CPT TK-7764

Nemesis Weekly Squadron Report for January 24, 2003.

How was your snow days? Fact: it was colder this week in New York City then it was in Alaska (thanks Inside Edition). Of course, some in the wing have hot weather (*cough* Tainer, the Aussie hehehe, congrats on 1000 FCHG points) all the time. Results for the Nemesis Warning Labels is in Competition Corner. Chamb and PMan are discussing their Star Wars pets. Watch out, some of them bite. Finally, I hearby open applications for the third FL position. And they're off!!!! Applications to me. Get them in by next report. I'll make my decision by the report after that.

CPT TK-7764 ISM. XWA F 76, 78, 72, 71. Hosted squad comp. Soon to host wing comp, stay tuned. A few backlogged missions.
CM Iceman BS. TIE TC 59 (8) and 60 (6). Glad that you are always there.
LCM Ache Nu XvT TC 33 (5). TIE TC 123 (4). Comadore's Flying comp. CJ SP XvT and TIE. One battle awaiting mission high score review. Good to see you action.
LCM Duken Warning Labels comp.

CMDR Challenge
I don't know. I'll tell you later after I get that new Citation calculation program that the Science Officer is working on in a couple of weeks. Fly what you want.

Competition Corner - The Tradition Continues

Nemesis stood at attention in the Subjugator's hanger bay. Most of the pilots were wondering what was going on. Al and Ache, who had seen this before when TK ran a comp, knew what was coming. They could tell by the fact that TK's TIE Phantom was right near the hanger opening and pointing at it. The pilots snaped to attention as TK-7764 entered the hanger.
"Here is the IS-BR that was going to be given to the winner of the Nemesis Warning Labels competition. Here is what I think of the low participation." With a flick of a switch on his ship's underpanel, a Conncussion Missle lowered intself from the hull. TK immediately tied the medal to the missile. He then hopped into his fighter, and shot it through the hanger bay opening, into outer space.
"But sir, I partcipated in it, sir," muttered LCM Duken.
"Yea," said TK as he exited his fighter. "And here is the real medal that is not made of plastic which you earned," he said as he reached into his pocket and threw something at Duken.

Duken was the only pilot to send in for this comp. So, he wins, I think ; ) Here is his winning submission for a warning label that would appear on a X-Wing Thruster.

1.Never cut the red or yellow wires, EVER.
2.Never cross the blue and green wires.
3.Do not work on the engine while it is in operation, loss of limb or life may result.
4.Do not look down exhaust pipe while firing the engine, unwanted sugury may be requred.
5.Exhaust manifolds may be hot.
Read the owners manual thurogly before operating.
6.Use only ion negative energy from the outer rim, any other energy may result in unwanted reactions elsewhere in the engine.
7.Read the owners manual thurgoly before operating.

Incom is not responsable for anything done with this part including but not limited to:selling it on the black market, using it in a pirate craft, and repairing an illegal craft.

IS-BR is soon to be in the mail. Best of flying and keep those heaters running guys. Till next week or when I get bored.

Signing off
TK-7764 "HawkofStorms" Wing XX XO
CMDR/CPT TK-7764/Nemesis/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator
JH TK-7764 (Krath)/TYR/Qel-Droma of Arcona

NEMESIS SQUADRON : Reconnaissance
NICKNAME: The Deadly Dozen
BANNER: nemesis.jpg
MOTTO: We kill therefore we are

Nickname: Ghostly Waltz
Motto: Those who dance with the Shadow
1) CPT TK-7764 (
2) LCM Duken (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Trouble on wings
Motto: 'Do unto others' is our reason to live
1) CM Iceman (
2) LT Sean Boyles (
3) LT Arvel Crynyd (
4) CPT Alsdyr (

Nickname: Spirit Stalkers
Motto: You can run but you'll die tired
1) TBA
2) LCM Ache Nu (
3) TBA
4) TBA

19 Citations

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