Ravager Report # 1 (2003-01-17)

This report was submitted by CM Bryan

Ravager Squadron Report - 1/17/03
Report by: CMDR Bryan

I. News/Ideas
II. Squadron Roster Changes
III. Promotions/Medals/IWATS
IV. BSF's this week
V. Web Site Devolopements

-> (Section I)

1) News-

A) New CMDR, congrats to me, CMDR Bryan. I'll try to keep everyone in line. :-)

B) New XO, appointed by me, because he can do the spot better then anyone else. Big Congratulations to COL Smitrock.

C) New Flight Leader for the 3rd flight, congrats the the formet CMDR. FL3: Zack Amberam

D) New Report system: All members to report to my by 12:01 AM every Thursday. I'll compile a report, and send it off. :)

E) New Squadron Message Board!!

2) Ideas-

A) I'm first thinking of a fiction comp. The easiest for the moment to raise activity. Then a small flying one for the month.

B) Get ready to to reply to this report. Thats right. Each of you will be sent this report. You will then personally reply to my addy with what you want me to do with you.

C) Squadron Meetings are now an order. If you don't show up, shame on you. We will discuss anything you wish to talk about in the meeting, and anything I can do to make your stay here better. :)

D) Quote of the week, "Oh, you want some too?!?"
-Hudson, Aliens

-> (Section II)

1) Roster Changes-

A) CMDR Bryan to 1-1
XO Smitrock to 2-1
FL3 Zack to 3-1

-> (Section III)

1) Promotions

2) Medals-
Bryan- MoT-1BH
Smitrock- CoL, PC


-> (Section IV)

1) Smitrock- 2 Battles
Bryan- 1 Battle, 1 Free Mission

-> (Section V)

1) The squadron web page is located at http://www26.brinkster.com/ravagers/news.asp

2) Downloads Section has been updated, and we now have 3 Downloads.

A) Including a new "Squadron Text Editor"
It's basically an advanced version of Windows Notepad, and is customized for the Squadron.

Made completely from base materials, it was constructed for us, and has a copywrite for the squadron, so no one but the Wing and Squad may use it. And it was compiled (made) by me.

So if there's any problems, send them to me.

3) Ravager Squadron Orders:

Fly some battles, and RECRUIT.

You get a medal for everyone you bring into the squadron.

So don't be shy, recruit someone new.

And trust me, they are not always as nice to you as you are to them. Just keep trying.

4) Other:

More communication, and more flying.

Thank you all for your time ladies, and gentlemen.

CMDR Bryan

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