Teth Report # 0 (2000-03-11)

This report was submitted by LC Mini Minkus

Squadron News:

Its been a fairly quite week all things considered. Squadron League Round 5 is due to COL Ricardo (Bantha_34@hotmail.com) by the 15th. We had 2 submissions last time, but this time I hope we can get at least 4. Make this your top priority people, fly this battle before all others. Now, I e-mailed you all about competitions earlier this week, but there have been some significant developments since then. It now seems that we do need TO approval for the competitions, so they might not start when I said they would, oh well, that leaves you free to concentrate on the Squadron League :) Also, sometime later this month I will be organising a competiton with Cheth Squadron, so you can expect to be kept busy.

In other news, CM Matt Patrick and myslef were awarded Palpatine Crescent's for submissions to Battlecry, and LT Hawky and myself will be competitng for the Wing Commanders Honour Guard, and Teth.Squadron.Org will be up and running by midday tomorrow, though I'm offering no promises. LT Dudesrule has started making an EH related website, which is looking very good, check it out at http://www.angelfire.com/bc/dudesrule/TIECORPS.html I'm sure you'll agree, its nice work. LT God has also completed his first TC-TIE Battle, 1, so well done to you all.

Nickname: Dominator
Motto: The Rebels are coming. So shoot them down.
Homepage: http://freepages.ugo.com/teth1/
1) CM Mini Minkus (daz@mini-minkus.freeserve.co.uk) - Moderatley Active. Have comleted TIE 22 and 30 and 131 fro the Squadron League. I have also been busy remaking Teth's homepage, and have recently won the WCHG. Awarded A PC for finishing second in the Battlecry XvT Competition.
2) LT Dudesrule (dudesrule1234@yahoo.com) - Fairly Active, more work done on his EH page, and plans to fly Squadron League Round 5. Completed his INPR.
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Avenger
Motto: Hit them while they're sleeping.
Homepage: http://freepages.ugo.com/teth2/
1) CM Matt Patrick (Patrick222@compsupport.net) - Some Activity - Awarded a PC for his interview with FA Manesh in Battlecry, have spoken to him several time, currently busy in Real Life.
2) LT Vengeance (Vengeance_IW_DB@yahoo.com) - No activity.
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Sharpshooters
Motto: Death From Above

Homepage: http://freepages.ugo.com/teth3/
1) LT Hawky (cdh_hawky@hotmail.com) - Moderatley Active - submitted for the Squadron League, given me the finished Flight 3 webpage.
2) LT God (MontyPython00@aol.cm) - Largely Active. Has been flying TC Battles, and got TC 1 approved this week.
3) TBA
4) TBA

That's it for this week, and a final reminder, fly the Squadron League Round 5!

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