Eta Report # 0 (2000-12-08)

This report was submitted by MAJ Troutrooper

CMDR/CPT Troutrooper reporting in for ETA squadron, 8 December 2000...

*CPT Quake appointed Lord Ambassador after FA Manesh resigns...
*...and LA/RA Quake now needs some new ambassadors for his corps.
*FO and BGCOM are both on short leaves this weekend.
*EH Newsletter #69 out. It's...different than the usual NL.
*FA Manesh, ex-CHS White Tiger (not the one from the COL :),
and...someone else have been chosen as the new INQs!
*A new trojan horse type virus is on the loose. Delete any unsolicited
emails with shockwave files attached!!

*After his demotion from CM, LT Kromtal Stormfyld has retired/defected
to the Rebels. Also, LT White Tiger has retired, though he has not
*Iota squadron has left the Colossus and has moved to Hammer squadron
aboard the REL.
*COL Arena still going on.
*WC/MAJ Chei-Ras has "something special planned" for us, though no-one
really knows what it is yet...

*Another quiet week...
*...but we do have a new competition!! Any pilot who completes all
three items in the weekly "Task" list will get an ISM!!

CMDR/CPT Troutrooper:
*Flew TC-TIE #42, 53, 83
*Flew DB-TIE #2
*Awarded PC for flying 20+ battles in November
*Awarded PC for 100% participation in COL-Avenger comp (Thank you ETA!)
*Submitted new FTIE for the BC competition
*Active on IRC
-> Wow. 2 PC's in a week. Go me. :P

FL/LCM Tyler:
*Working on ETA's webpage
-> Let me know how things are going.

FM/LCM Nic Rety:
*Flew FTIE #104, 141
*Doing DOC stuff
-> ACK! No needles!! AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!! :)

FL/LCM Wap Eal:
*Flew TC-TIE #59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, and 69
*Still cant connect...
-> Damn. So that's what youve been up to :)

FM/LT Alain Dindareanu:
*More computer problems...?
-> Talk to me: how are things?

--> First, I would like to apologize. I have been extremely busy this
past week and havent been able to put in the amount of time I normally
do. Unfortunately, it only gets worse: this upcoming week is finals and
my professors have decided to dump more work on me than they can grade.
So I wont be around all that much, though I will be available to anyone
if they need me.

Second, the Colossus is in bad shape. As youve read in multiple emails
to the isdcolossus egroups list, several of our pilots have been
unjustly persecuted by the HCI. It is not my business to question these
rulings, so if you want more information, come see me directly. Also,
the mutiny of Iota has really shaken the ship to its very foundation.
Again, if you want to know why they left, see me and I will tell you as
much as I can.

These events are not supposed to happen. The ship is sick, that much is
clear. The exact cause of the illness, however, remains to be seen. All
of us in the COL command structure are trying to solve this problem, so
any input or ideas you have on the subject would help us out greatly.
If you have ANY information, ideas, questions, concerns, ANYTHING AT
ALL, let me know immediately.

Finally, i want to end on a happy note. We DO have a new competition,
and anyone can get medals. All you have to do is complete all three of
the assigned weekly tasks listed in this report. You do three things
(which makes me happy x 3) and you get a medal (which makes both me and
you happy). Happiness is everywhere! Unfortunately, no-one completed
any of the assigned tasks last week, which made me sad. And when I get
sad, PEOPLE DIE!!...*cough* I mean, I don't give out medals. :)

For this week:
1. Start or continue a run-on on ETA's MB.
2. Make a graphic for LCM Tyler to put up on ETA's webpage.
3. Take an IWATS course, especially SM/2 if you havent taken it already

CMDR/CPT Troutrooper signing off...

CPT Troutrooper

COMMANDER: CPT Troutrooper ( - #3610
NICKNAME: The Unseen
MOTTO: We ascend to honor through the powers of the body, mind and

Nickname: Spirit Flight
Motto: Success is the only option
1) CPT Troutrooper ( - #3610
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Body Flight
Motto: Fierce when provoked
1) LCM Tyler ( - #4260
2) LCM Nic Rety ( - #4234
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Mind Flight
Motto: Mantis Hunters
1) LCM Wap Eal ( - #3709
2) LT Alain Dindareanu ( - #5534
3) TBA
4) TBA

------------------------------------------------------------------------Total: 5

CMDR-TCS/CPT Troutrooper/Eta/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
BSx2/PCx6/ISMx15/MoT-1gh-1rh-1bh/LoC/CoS/CoB [EXCR]
DJK Troutrooper (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto, DC-KC-O/(GNB) {SA:CORE}
ISD Colossus COM Escort for Oct 2000, Nov 2000

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