Kappa Report # 10 (2000-11-13)

This report was submitted by CPT Astarosta

Kappa Squadron Report - November 13th, 2000 - CM Astarosta

Captain's log, stardate 4197.43:
Not much news as we approach the Neutral, zone, no sign of the Romulans or Cardassians. We're doing a warp core testing in a few minutes

*Astarosta goes out of his office, sits on the middle of the Kappa Headquarters, and says to Razor*:

Lieutenant, set course to the Aurora System, warp 6. And...engage!

*the Kappans stare puzzled at his CMDR wearing his red and black pijama, and babbling incoherencies*

Sorry, had to do that. Captain rank brings out the Star Trek geek part of me :p

Squadron News

-This was a truly great week for our squadron, I must say that you all keep making me proud of being CMDR of this squadron. News this week will give us reason to party until after New Year's Eve (like we need them :p) Read on and be happy:

-Well, as you could see above, I got promoted to CPT. And yes, I'll fight with my life for my promotion bonus. Come get it if you can. :p

-Kappa vs Sadhe has just ended. I'm officially entitled to declare that...
WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!
And the fact that makes me proud the most is that we made 100% participation. This was a team victory.
Detailed scores on the Misc section.

-The Sovereign Squadron League 2000 Combat Run #14 (and final) results have been released. The top 20 scoring squadrons of all the Sovereign will engage in the SSL play-offs now. And guess what...
WE'RE IN!!!!!!
Kappa Squadron, the undermanned, fluctuant and small squadron is among the top 20 squadrons of the League.
Having participated in 10 rounds of the league, this particulary makes me proud. We'll also be amongst squadrons like the mighty Sigma, Tornado and the like. We must give a hell of a fight in this playoffs!
Also from Wing II Psi, Rho and Theta along with Sigma and us have qualified. The official report is attached. As it has already started, see the Orders section for further details on the playoffs.

-CM Algaron has been awarded an ISM for his excellent Flight II website and for his general high activity. Congrats! Check out the new site at http://algaron.sphosting.com/home.htm It's truly awesome!
Check out his spaceship encyclopedia and submit some reviews to him!

-LCM Jan Wemmel will be on a leave from 11/12/2000 to 11/20/2000, but has promised to try to keep in contact with the squad.

-CM Algaron has been appointed as the new Kappa Webmaster!! Yaay! buy him a beer!
Blame your CMDR that he couldn't begin updating the page, since I couldn't send him the files and the server info. I will do it ASAP, as well as the uniform update.

-Mauro Guido, some jerk from a parallel universe that keeps getting into Roasty's head from time to time, is right now turning 22 years old. He'll be partying a lot, so if Roasty seems to be in a coma, and mails aren't answered, it's just that the guy on the other side may be in the same state, but with ethilic ethiology :p

Squadron Orders

-The Sovereign League play-offs have begun!! get ready to give a major fight here, since squadrons #9 to #20 are flying FREE-TIE 133 "Welcome to Wing II, Ready or Not". Top 8 scoring squads will make it into quarter finals. Neededless to say, we MUST get 100% to have a shot at qualifying.Laserless score will be used, and the deadline will be November 19th, so you all have 6 days to fly it. This is PRIORITY!!!

-The Border Wars Round 3 deadline has been extended till Nov 14th, so those of you who haven't flown the two missions yet, you have a little more time.

-Wing II has lost the biggest wing in the Sov title. And Kappa needs a couple more of pilots. The Recruitment Coordinator Officer, LCM Jan Wemmel is now ordered by me, attending to the general WC orders to start another Recruitment Drive. Any volunteers in helping, mail him. And if he asks any of you to colaborate, you are ordered to do so.

-Operation Release the Ties goes on, all silent in the battle field. Stay tuned, more to come...

-The Wing II vs Omega comp is on!! Submit all your evil, funny, disgusting, amusing, arousing (!?), conspirative, bloody, smelly and insane stories of the battle, ridiculize them to the no-return point. Send it to me, I'll chose the best one and it might become EH official history! Deadline is November 20th. C'mon! I know you are all sick people! :p

-We need a nick for Flight III and a new banner.

-The last order has the TOP PRIORITY. Due to the recent events you are ordered to


NOW!!!! GO!! GO!! GO!! GO!!

Activity Report

CM Astarosta/Kappa 1-1

11-5-00 Added the URL of the new Flight II website to the roster
11-7-00 Tried (and failed) to submit the Kappa HP files to Algaron. :p
11-11-00 Promoted to CPT
11-12-00 Compiled results of the Kappa vs Sadhe comp


LT Hawk Hunter/Kappa 1-2

11-11-00 Submitted FREE-TIE 134 for the Kappa vs Sadhe comp


LT Razor/Kappa 1-3

11-8-00 Submitted FREE-TIE 134 for the Kappa vs Sadhe comp
11-11-00 Submitted TC-TIE 60


CM Algaron/Kappa 2-1

11-6-00 Appointed as the new Kappa Webmaster
11-7-00 Submitted a Flight II new nick (The Dark Avengers) and motto (Hatred Breeds Strength)
Submitted Free Tie missions 4, 5, 6 and 7
Passed IWATS IIC/2 and IIC/3
11-11-00 Submitted Free Tie missions 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13


LCM Jan Wemmel/Kappa 3-1

11-12-00 Reported on leave due to RL issues until Nov 20th.



-From LCM Jan Wemmel:
"I just set my personal profile to Away and now I'm taking the next Shuttle back to my
home planet for some RL-issues (A 30-page-paper wants to be layouted *shudder*)
I think I'll still be able to answer mails and fly really urgent
missions, but it may take some time.
Let's see if I can get some local Alc from my planet.
If you see an unknown freighter docking in about 9-10 Days, I found
some new drinks to store in our hatch." ---We'll be waiting for you...r alcohol!! :p
Hehe, good luck.

-From AD Zsinj:
"COOA Open
If you are interested in the position of COOA
please send me an application to
slookabill@home.com. The Requirements are:
*Online daily, and check e-mails daily
*Be familiar with WoW
*Be ready to help with any other tasks
This new COOA will deal with awarding the LoC's
for WoW and possibily the DFC's".

-TO Astatine is taking applications for CA:TO. Apply and do not annoy him :p

-mIRC 5.81 released. Yay! Download compulsion, Download compulsion!! www.mirc.com

-Detailed results from Kappa vs Sadhe, all laserless scores:

Kappa Squadron

CPT Astarosta: 50467
LT Hawk Hunter: 40725
LT Razor: 26270
CM Algaron: 38744
LCM Jan Wemmel: 44583

Total: 200789

Sadhe Squadron

MAJ Sickman: 13367
LT Axis Rivkahson: 11899
LCM Wil_Striker: 995
LCM RedTaz: 38317

Total: 64578

Top Scorer: CPT Astarosta ----->who's now in a dilemma..."to award myself or not to award myself, that is the question" :p

Attached: SL2K report
FREE-TIE 133 for SL Playoffs
Both missions from Border Wars r. 3
Custom .lfd file for BW mission 2

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
NICKNAME: Silencers
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: Push it to the limit......and beyond!
HOMEPAGE: http://kappa.squadron.org
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=12

Nickname: Protectorate
Motto: "Insanely Sucessful"
1) CPT Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) LT Hawk Hunter (nicknich17@hotmail.com)
3) LT Razor (pedroamado@eudoramail.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Sweepers
Motto: Crush ´n mop up!
Homepage: http://algaron.sphosting.com/home.htm
1) CM Algaron (algaron1@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Unlimited Protection Inc
Motto: Dial 555-Protection
1) LCM Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 5

Respectfully submitted by,

CMDR-TCS/CPT "Roasty" Astarosta/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
Kappa's Official Tailor

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