Kappa Report # 2 (2000-09-16)

This report was submitted by CPT Astarosta

Kappa Squadron Report - September 16th, 2000 - CM Astarosta

Sorry for the delay on the report, some RL issues came up. And yes, my head is still aching from the RL booze from last night.

Squadron News

-The redesigned Kappa Squadron is up! check it out on http://kappa.squadron.org
-The Kappa's Hatch is up! find it and post on http://www.tiecorps.org/mb or follow the link on our HP
-Kappa won the Kappa vs Sin competition! yeeeeeeeeahhh! way to go Squad! a week of party on all non-flying time!! All of you be sure to take your right dose of Boozoffaline, otherwise fix a protocol droid to take you to your bunk when you reach ethilic coma.

Squadron Orders

Fly the attached mission for the Wing II vs Retribution Fleet Border Wars comp! due date is September 30th. PRIORITY!!
Fly everything you can for the September Sov Mega comp based on FCHG points. C'mon dudes! we don't want to see ma'am Inkwolf being humiliated by her WC mates, do we?

Activity Report

CM Astarosta/Kappa 1-1

9-9-00 Played 14 Free Missions for the Summer Challenge, n° 81, 82, from 84 to 90, 92, 93, 95,
97 and 98
Played TC-Tie 78 for CR#13
9-10-00 Contacted LT Scaven Kcerjin on reserves, who previoulsy asked to join Kappa.
9-11-00 Opened a MB account on tc.org, customized and opened the Kappa's Hatch message board
9-13-00 Been awarded with an ISM for the Beta Testing period #20
9-15-00 Played 19 Free Missions to complete the Summer Challenge. N°
99,100,101,103,104,107,109,112,114,115,116,117,119,120,122,123,124,125 and 132. And then
dropped dead :p
Added Kappa HP to the EH Webring.


CPT Deacan/Kappa 2-1

9-10-00 Reported of some RL problems keeping him from being online
9-12-00 Resubmitted his tfr for Free Tie 28, for the Kappa vs Sin comp.
9-15-00 Reported on RL issues keeping him from flying TC-Tie 78


CM Hawkins/Kappa 2-2

No activity reported


LCM Jan Wemmel/Kappa 3-1

mIRC, mail, ICQ and MB activity


LT Reb Crush/Kappa 3-3

9-9-00 Suggested new motto and nick.
Updated the Kappa HP
9-10-00 Continuous work on the Kappa HP.
9-11-00 Even more work on the Kappa HP
9-12-00 Uploaded the New Kappa HP with many additions and new features. Hey, I can't pass this point
without saying Great work Reb! Keep it up!
9-15-00 Played TC-Tie 78 for CR#13
Played TC-Tie 10 and 125
And yet again...yeah, you know, Updated Kappa's HP :p


-From WC/MAJ Calzeo Inkwolf:

Woohoo, it's here! BORDER WARS is on!!!!!!!!!!
Um, I mean:

Pilots of Wing II, thank you for
attending this briefing.
Trade vessels along the Emperor's
Hammer/Rebel Squadrons border have been
prey lately to a ruthless band of
pirates. These pirates hit a convoy,
then run for the Rebel border and beyond
the reach of Imperial justice before our
forces can arrive to deal with them.
In order to be able to respond more
quickly to the pirate attacks, the
Emperor's Hammer has stationed Wing II
as border patrol. We will remain here
until the current pirate menace is under
control, so get used to it. The
Regnarok may not be as roomy as the Sov,
but the sooner we get the job done, the
sooner we all get to go home.
Note: be cautious when flying patrol!
The Rebels appear to also be stationing
a force in the area. Intelligence
believes it to be the Retribution Fleet,
a rebel wing which uses stolen Imperial
craft. Be wary of any unknown TIEs in
the area! Avoid conflict with the
Rebels if possible. Our mission is to
eliminate the pirates by whatever means necessary!
Remember, the glory of the Empire is in
your hands!! Fly the attached mission
by September 30th, and do your very
best--this one is against the Rebel
Squadrons Retribution fleet! :)
And one last thing. Remember that
Doctor Sauron Tarrke has declared
spacesickness pills to be off-limits to
anyone who calls him--


Well, never mind that now--quick, to the
TIEs! Some innocent trade vessel is
under attack!!!

-From me: Ok!! It's REBEL TOASTING TIME!!!! GO GO GO GO!!!

-HA Kawolski resigned as TAC and FA Rapier resigned as SO. If you haven't heard about this, you live in a jar of jello, so I'm not doing long quotes. Farewell to Rapier since he's gone to the reserves, HA Kawolski will stick around as Fleet System Engineer, maintaining the database, and AD Striker is the selected replacement. Congrats to him!

-Check out the new Internet Office site on http://www.ehnet.org/

-The Kappa Hatch is up and working!! For those who don't know, there's a floor hatch in the middle of our briefing room where we keep our "emergency booze". Since it's the most visited place on our quarters, I've decided to set a board on it, so whenever anyone wants to get drunk (with my permission, of course) he can post messages on it and find out last minute news. For ya all to know, all Wing II members are invited to post there. And be careful, cause all the bottles have movement sensors placed on them!! (Astarosta realizes that the skillful Wing II members will anyway deplete his beloved reserves :p)

-The new Wing II site by MAJ Inkwolf is up. Wanna check out Ink's date for Saturday? I bet ya all know him from somewhere...I just can't remember where...:p
See for yourselves at http://wingii.ehnet.org/

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CM Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
NICKNAME: Silencers
MOTTO: Push it to the limit......and beyond!
HOMEPAGE: http://kappa.squadron.org

Nickname: Protectorate
Motto: "Insanely Sucessful"
1) CM Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Sweepers
Motto: Crush ´n mop up!
1) CPT Deacan (dahljensen@post.tele.dk)
2) CM Hawkins (Nedius@yahoo.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Unlimited Protection Inc
Motto: Dial 555-Protection
1) LCM Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
2) TBA
3) LT Reb Crush (g3blackmac@mac.com)
4) TBA


Respectfully submitted by,

CMDR-TCS/CM Astarosta/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

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