Psi Report # 0 (2000-09-01)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect

::: Ford staggers in from his soccer / football tournament, bloody, bruised and battered. Glances at pilots drunkenly victorious at the succesful apprehension of LC 'Squirrel' Delplancq :::

Never mind.

-Squadron News-

- We have new member! Grunt! Argh! Yo, Zekk :P

- Said member was promoted to Lieutenant for completing his INPR. Grunt! Yay Zekk!

- We lost a member. Un-grunt. CM Xyryyc / Vlade has transferred to the Reserves again, and will hopefully re-join as soon as his time is freed up...

- LCM Vanik Rasten has transferred to Avenger Wing II to become Trapper Squadron CMDR.

- Ford just nearly choked on his Dr. Pepper

- Drugs are bad.

- The first intra-squadron comp under the Ford Regime has begun! "The Flight vs. Flight vs. Flight Really Cool Title Here Competition!" It's a monthly comp between flights to see who can garner the highest score on a battle or free mission...more news on that in the 'Orders' section

- Combat Run 13 has been announced! Again, more details you know where :P

- Woot!

- Dr. Pepper isn't keeping Ford awake.

- CPT 'Bushmaster' Vigsted has been awarded the Palpatine Crescent for creating a banner for Wing IX. Also, Jens will be on leave until further notice due to the fact that he's moving again in RL.

- Um..

- Word!

- Combat Run 11 results have been announced...Psi is in 7th place, off from 6th place by a little less then a million points. 8th place is about half a million behind us, but with our poor CR 12 showing, we may slip a place or two. Ah, yes, CR 12....

:::revs up for rant:::

Too tired to rant. Consider you guys yelled at, because Ford doesn't feel like it. Suffice it to say, Ford was disappointed. Ford knew that SLs Izlude and Zekk (at the time) wouldn't be expected to take part, seeing that they're new to the fleet, and Jens was in the process of moving, but there was no word from the rest of you, save Psyko. Jon and Vanik, the two FLs, were the only ones aside from Ford to get in submissions. C'mon, guys, Ford doesn't expect much. All he asks is that you either submit a .tfr for the competition, or explain that you will be unable to fly it. That's it. Please, do one or the other. Also, some of you haven't reported *any* activity for a month or longer. Consider this an AWOL check....please respond to it as promptly as possible.

- SL Izlude has apparently completed his INPR, thus fulfilling a requirement to be promoted to Lieutenant, but Ford hasn't received any e-mail from him since he joined...Iz, mind contacting Ford to let him know you're alive? :P

- Someone give Ford inspiration so he can finish this report and watch his Babylon 5 :P

- Bloody toenail lint.

-WIng News-

- Da Mega-Sov Comp! In case you've missed it, here's the details:

It's a race between all the wings to see who can collectively accumulate the most FCHG points during the month of September. At the end of the month, the wing with the most points accumulated wins bragging rights. Additionally, the WC of the winning wing will get to select a pilot to receive a BS and a pilot to receive a PC from their wing. All other wings can nominate one pilot for an ISM. Losing wing gets their WC to have humiliation heaped upon them and wearing a dunce cap :P

- Since the transfer of LCM Vanik, we need another mission builder for the competition versus the Rebel's Retribution MAJ Inkwolf.

-Squadron Orders-

- Fly Combat Run 13! The battle is TC-78, aka The Verpine Encounter Part II, Part I being Combat Run 11....this battle takes top priority over all the things we have going on in Psi! Get flying!

- Psi Squadron Trivia was released last week, and everyone who wishes to participate has until the last day in September to get submissions in! If you need another copy of trivia, contact Ford!

- The Intra-Squadron comp! Winning flight gets bragging rights and the opportunity to force the other two flights to do something humiliating. The battle to be flown is TC-106, quite possibly the shortest and easiest TC battle in existance :P

- Mega Sov Comp! Fly missions and stuff :P

- From LC Ace Pilot: The Supreme Squadron Competition! A TIE Corps-wide squadron vs. squadron vs. squadron know the drill :P Elements will include fiction, graphics, flying and trivia...scores to be balanced between participation and quality, so all squadrons have a shot at winning! Finalized details to come later, but this competition should start out sometime late September. Ford will be making the trivia...ph33r! :P


CMDR/MAJ Ford Prefect:

8.30.00 - Updates INPR
8.30.00 - Completes TC-128
8.31.00 - Completes TC-1
9.1.00 - Completes TC-106

FM/LCM Rhinok Maul:

No Activity

FM/SL Izlude:

Completes INPR...status..?

FM/LT Zekk Terrik:

8.29.00 - Completes Daedlus training, joins Psi Squadron
8.30.00 - Completes INPR
8.30.00 - Promoted to Lieutenant

FL/LCM Vanik Rasten:

8.28.00 - Completes Free-TIE 15
8.28.00 - Completes Free-TIE 20
8.28.00 - Completes Free-TIE 22
8.28.00 - Completes Free-TIE 27
8.28.00 - Completes Free-TIE 43
8.28.00 - Completes Free-TIE 77
8.30.00 - Completes TC-128
9.1.00 - Transfers to Trapper Squadron, assumes CMDRship.
9.1.00 - Activity for Psi ATR discontinued.

FM/LCM Nemesis:

No Activity

FM/CPT Psyko:

8.28.00 - Completes Free-TIE 57

FM/CM Xyryyc:

9.3.00 - Transfers to the Reserves
9.3.00 - ATR for Psi Activity Discontinued

FL/LCM Jon Doyle: (Jon has returned and will be staying put as Three Flight FL)

8.29.00 - Returns from Shore Leave
8.29.00 - Completes TC-128
8.31.00 - Completes TC-55

FM/CPT Jens Vigsted:

8.28.00 - Awarded Palpatine Crescent
8.30.00 - Goes on Shore Leave due RL difficulties

FM/CM Ben Colley:

8.24.00 - Changes TC name to Ben Colley

FM/LCM Dark Spector:

No Activity

Not the best activity, but not horribly disgraceful...aside from CR 12 subs...(cough).

-Misc. / Fleet News-

- FA Faethor received the Medal of Honor

- FO/VA Sarriss was promoted to the rank of Admiral! Yay!

- The SW Half-Life "Call to Arms" mod was shut down due to a number of it's members departing...the source code is available should any enterprising individual wish to continue the project:

- GA Ronin has updated the news page with all the cool stuff you need to know.

- The IO hosting services, after a few days of being shut down, are back up.

- The Daedlus roster has been modified so the fresh cadets are highlighted, so we know who to target for recruitment :P

- There's a whole load of new battles and free-TIEs, including one by former Psi member CPT Sanj, and one from our own WC, addition to COL Gallows' "Welcome to Wing II, Ready or Not!"

- Buy your own EH Geek Gear!

All for now.

:: Ford begins to drift into sleep ::

CMDR/MAJ Ford Prefect/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

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