Hornet Report # 0 (2000-12-10)

This report was submitted by MAJ Ace Armageddon

1.) News
-Python gets WC's Own, but u gotta admit they had MAJOR improvements, but now that everyone can see what they're capable of, we'll get it next month for being the best again : P
-Pavz gets COM's Own AGAIN! CONGRATS!
-FO returns from leave
-#vanguard registered
-New virus going around, watch out for it. Details on the main TC board
-Well, ABK's server's going down, so were losing our space for our webpage. I'm gonna look around for another good server, i hate angelfire, geocities, tripod, and sites like that.

2.) Squadron Status
Activity's down just a bit....but that just means were only a little more active than other squads :P But lets pick it up so we can move up a couple more spots in ASF:SCII

3.) Activty
CMDR/MAJ "Ace" Armageddon
Submitted name for bot in #vanguard
Writing ficiton piece
Attempted to fly in ASF comp (firewall probs)
Currently finishing up an AWESOME fiction
Submitted Squadron BSF's

FM/LT Rhys
Flew TC TIE 8
Flew TC TIE 9
Flew TC TIE 10
Flew TC TIE 11
NOTE: Confirmation hasn't been given yet on 9-11 because u got high scores and they have to be viewed by the TAC manually
Participated in webhunt
Played some XvT MP
Posted on multiple EH MB's
Communicated with CMDR via E-mail and IRC

FM/LT Tuomo
Communicated with CMDR via IRC

FL/LT Pavz
Won ASF Comp!
Awarded DFC!
Completed IWATS GFX
Participated in webhunt

FM/LT Stolle
Communicated with CMDR via IRC, E-mail, and AIM
Submitted fiction piece (at bottom)

Communicated with CMDR via IRC
Flew TC XWA 4

FL/CM Mark
Communicated with CMDR via AIM
Working on missions

no activity

FM/CM Mareek
Communicated with CMDR via IRC

4.) Squadron XO
I hereby name LT Pavz Hornet Squadron's XO. This means he is second in charge. I am online a lot and so is he, so if you need something, and i'm not on, try to find him. He also takes command of the squad when I go on leave. I will be going on a 2 week leave in about 2 weeks. I will have my laptop with me, but theres no way i can still keep up with all the CMDR duties from there, so I will be leaving him in charge, and most likely give him orders to give to you guys. Pleaz Congratulate the new XO!

5.)Personal Objectives
OK, he most points for SC still lies in citations, so heres what I need everyone to fly:
DB XvT 1
TC XvT 7
PLEAZ! Do these mission before you do ANY other!

6.) Roster

COMMANDER: MAJ Ace Armageddon (ace_armageddon@hotmail.com )
NICKNAME: Angel's of the Empire
BANNER: hornet.jpg
MOTTO: To Fly is Glory, To Fight is Honor, To Destroy is Victory.
HOMEPAGE: http://hornet.squadron.org
MESSAGE BOARD: http://pub11.ezboard.com/fasf4062hornetsquadron

Nickname: Talon's of the Angel
1) MAJ Ace Armageddon (ace_armageddon@hotmail.com )
2) LT Rhys von Pohl (tpohlman@peoplestelecom.net)
3) LT Tuomo (ehtuomoj@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Wraith of the Angel
Motto: Mess with the best...and be ionized like the rest
1) LT Jack Pavz (PAVZ99@aol.com)
2) LT Johan Stolle (jws4220@aol.com)
3) CPT CTXclr (graux@optonline.net)
4) TBA

1) CM Mark (Job876@aol.com)
2) LCM Rex (t_rex@prodigy.net)
3) CM Mareek (empirenet@mail.tele.dk)
4) TBA

Total: 9
FCHG Listings

Squadron Citations (8):
TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
TC-XvT Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
TC-XvT Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
TC-XvT Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
TC-XvT Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
TC-BoP Battle 1 - Double Cross at Coronada

Major/Dark Jedi Knight Ace
Commander of Hornet
-CMDR/MAJ Ace/Hornet/WingXV/ISD VanGuard
WC's Own 9/00
WC's Own 10/00
WC's Own 11/00
DJK Ace(Krath)/Alvaak-[GMRG:INI]

7.) Fiction Piece - VanGuard Days By: LT Stolle

Major Ace Armageddon sat on the edge of his bunk, sipping a steaming mug of caff and scanning a news holo for any sign of the Fnords. Of course, he didn't find any. He put down the holo and shook his head.
"Dammit Ace, it's just a story. Get over it." He got up to get dressed

Several levels up, and about a hundred meters forward, Vice Admiral Blade was doing roughly the same thing, except that he had a bit better of a "bunk" and there wasn't any whiskey in his caff. He stood up, walked over to his closet, and pulled out a freshly pressed, spotless white uniform. He pulled on the trousers, being careful not to wrinkle them, and then started to put on the tunic. As he was buttoning it, his comm beeped.

Down one level, and fifty feet to the left, Lieutenant Colonel Ender mBind finished buttoning his tunic, and sat back on his bunk to pull on his boots. As he was working on the second, his door slid open. Major Archon was standing there, holding a small comlink. Ender regarded him for a moment. Archon stayed silent.
"Um... can I do something for you?" Ender asked. Archon stared at him for a moment, and then tossed the comlink to him, and walked away wordlessly. The small device beeped, and Ender answered it.

Major Archon walked away from Colonel mBind's door, grinning widely. It was going to be an interesting day. He stepped into a waiting lift, and said his destination.

Lieutenant Colonel Garik Hizad was daydreaming about cheese. He was also waiting for the lift to arrive. He heard the lift ping, deep in thoughts of cheddar. The doors slid open, and he stepped in absent mindedly. He murmured his destination, and switched his thoughts to Nerf milk Cheese.
"Ahem" Hizad snapped out of his daydream, and noticed that Lieutenant Colonel mBind was standing next to him, waiting. He snapped to attention, and saluted.
"Oh, hello sir. I didn't see you." Ender returned the salute.
"I'm sure you didn't. Oh, at ease, Armistead" Hizad relaxed.

Colonel Kaye walked into the Vanguard's main receiving hanger, and looked around. He saw the person he was looking for, and walked towards him.
"Hey, Dantilla, how's it coming? You get that stabilizer attached yet?" Armas Dantilla, the Vanguard's Chief Engineer, looked up from what he was working on, and shook his head.
"Nope, Kaye, I haven't even gotten around to trying. My boys and I have been up to our eyeballs in grease working on this new shipment of Ion engines. We gotta get these damn things up to standard by..uh..yesterday, I think." Dantilla sighed. "And, as you can see..." He held up his grease covered hands "..we have a long way to go." Kaye forced a tight smile.
"Okay, okay. It can wait." He patted Dantilla on the back, and walked back towards the turbolift bays.

Commander Fraggal_Hawk yawned. He had the day off. He rolled over, and went back to sleep.

Major Ace was walking on the catwalks above the hanger, heading towards his TIE Fighter. Hornet Squadron had to escort some pompous Moff dignitary off the Vanguard, and into Hyperspace. He was also mad as hell. He hated, hated hated escort duty. He also wanted to get something to eat. But, no, instead he was about to spend the next hour or two flying next to a shuttle carrying a spoiled old fat Moff. He looked down, and saw Colonel Kaye of Raptor Squadron talking to Engineer Chief Dantilla. Then Kaye walked away.
"Hey, Kaye!" Ace called down. Kaye looked around, then glanced upward. He waved.
"Hey Ace! You got that escort job?" The Squadron leader called up to him. Ace grinned down at him.
"Yep. See, you have to sit in the pilot's lounge and do nothing, while I get to sit in a cramped cockpit and stare at the rear-end of a Shuttle for 2 hours! So ha to you!" Kaye threw a mock salute at Ace, and walked away. Ace sighed, and kept walking to his Fighter.

Vice Admiral Blade stood on the bridge, gazing out the viewport. Lieutenant-Colonel mBind came up beside him.
"So far, Colonel, it has been a most interesting day. First, there were a lot more Fnords in the News then usual..." Ender shot him a quick, confused glance at that comment, but decided to ignore it. "..and then I get that odd call from you." Blade turned to face Ender. "You blubbered something about Major Archon, I believe?" Ender opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Lieutenant Harvak, the Vanguard's Bridge Navigator. He saluted them both, and quickly bowed.
"Vice Admiral, sir, that report that you wanted is here." Harvak said quickly, and offered a datacard to Blade. Blade nodded, and accepted it. Harvak glanced back at Ender, and bowed again, quickly, before walking back to his station. Ender smirked.
"Excitable fellow, isn't he?" Blade turned the datacard over in his hand, inspecting it.
"No, Colonel, just busy, I believe. Come with me, if you would." With that, Blade turned around and walked off the bridge, Ender following behind.

Major Archon was sitting at a computer consol typing out a squadron report. He stopped, rubbed his eyes, and stood up. He defiantly was not the type of person to sit at the computer for hours on end.
"I'll just finish this later" He commented to no one , and walked out the door, where he promptly smashed into Colonel Kaye.
"Yo, watch where your going, you mor..." Archon started, and then he looked up. "Oh my God, Uh, Kaye, uh, Sir, I'm sorry! I didn't see you." He gave a hasty salute. Kaye smiled.
"Yeah, no problem Archon."

Lieutenant-Colonel Garik Hizad looked up from his datapad.
"Um, hello?" he called. Nothing. Hizad sniffed, scratched his head, and went back to his Datapad. The door slid open, and Hizad looked up again, and found himself staring right into the barrel of a blaster. He looked up farther, into the eyes of Colonel De'Hoya, one of the Vanguard's ISB liaisons.
"Bye, Garik" And then the blaster fired

Colonel Kaye was walking towards the pilots lounge when he heard Hizad scream. He ran the rest of the 20 meters to the lounge, and dashed through the door. Hizad was screaming, and was apparently just waking up.
"Yo, Garik, you okay?" He asked, helping Hizad stand up
"Uh..yeah, yeah I'm good. I had some sorta weird dream, that's all. I'm good now" Kaye shook his head.
"Well, okay, whatever. Just, don't fall asleep again, okay?"
"Yeah, right, okay."

Commander Fraggal_Hawk started to snore, when his Comm beeped.

Major Ace flipped on his Comm.
"Shuttle DL-44-J, this is Hornet 1-1, please slow to escort speed and head towards coordinates 44.57.82, Over." The Shuttle replied instantly, the operator obviously bored at the countless times he'd performed this little relay.
"Hornet 1-1, this is Shuttle DL-44-J. Orders received, commencing specified flight pattern." The shuttle turned slightly to the left, and slowed to escort speed, and Ace pulled up beside it, before reducing his speed as well. A glance at his scanner confirmed that the rest of Hornet squadron was doing the same. All except for Lieutenant Pavz. Ace switched over to Hornet's channel.
"Um, 3-1, what are you doing?" Pavz's voice came over the speaker.
"Something isn't right here. This is too easy, Ace."
"Man, Pavz, you always think it's too easy. Calm down, and get into formation."
"Yes sir." Ace shook his head and went back to making sure everything was okay.

Vice-Admiral Blade finished going over the report with Lieutenant-Colonel mBind, and waited for Ender's ever present input. Just as expected, Ender spoke up.
"Well, Sir...um, and your sure that this is accurate?" Blade smiled.
"Yes Colonel, I'm more then sure about this. Now, I need you to make a call for me."

Lieutenant-Colonel Ender mBind walked from the Vice Admiral's office, grinning widely. It was turning out to be an interesting day. It was about to get a lot more interesting.

Major Archon reported to the bridge, just as Colonel mBind had asked him to. He wondered what was going on, especially when he found that the bridge was on full battle alert.
"Major Archon, I'm glad to see you've arrived." Archon turned to see Vice Admiral Blade walking up behind him. He saluted, and bowed slightly.
"Sir, may I inquire on what is going on?" Blade favored him with a grin, a true rarity with the Vice Admiral.
"Yes, Major, you may. I need you up here on the bridge, if you will. Your Squadron shall do with out you." He said, and then walked past him. Archon smirked, and turned to take his station. Maybe soon he'd find out what this was all about.

Lieutenant-Colonel Hizad arrived at the Fighter hanger, and looked around. Every pilot on the Vanguard was there, and he hurried over to where his pilots were standing. They saluted.
"Sir, what's going on?" One of his newer pilots, Sub-Lieutenant Fanzer, asked him. Hizad shook his head.
"I have no idea, Fanzer. I assume you guys just got a call to come down to the hanger?" His pilots all nodded their heads. "Hmm. What could this be about?"

Colonel Kaye walked into the fighter hanger behind Hizad, and headed towards his Squadron. He intended to find out what was happening.

Commander Fraggal_Hawk saw Colonels Hizad and Kaye enter the hanger, and then redirected his attention to the figure standing at the briefing podium in the center of the hanger. His day off had been interrupted for this, and he needed to know why he was losing sleep. The figure started to speak.

Major Ace was staring at his Fighter's instrument panel when it happened. His scanner fluttered for a split second, and his proximity warning went off. He looked up quickly, just in time to see a Mon Calamari MC-80 class capital ship shoot out of Hyperspace and start pumping X-Wings, B-Wings, and A-Wings into space. He flicked on his comm.
"Iota, red alert, red alert! We have a MC-80, and a full compliment of Reb fighters coming at us!" He switched channels. "Shuttle, get to top speed and get back to the Vanguard!" He saw the Shuttle turn and start speeding towards the safety of the Vanguard. Then there was no time to watch the Shuttle, as he was busy avoiding Rebel lasers.

Vice Admiral Blade gazed at the chaos that had suddenly ensued, and said a single word.

Lieutenant-Colonel mBind hit the alarm, and the loud noise resounded on the bridge, and throughout the ship. Then he calmly sent a short message over the hyperwave transmitter. Now it was time to see if Blade was completely correct. Ender hoped he was .

Major Archon saw the MC-80 exit hyperspace, and quickly took command his temporary station, efficiently relaying orders here and there. Then he saw a Nebulen-B cruiser exit hyperspace, and then another MC-80, and then every other ship in the Rebel sector strike force that had been causing so much trouble the last few days.
"Uh, Colonel, we've got a problem." He called to Lieutenant-Colonel mBind. "We can't fight off this many ships alone" mBind looked at him with a glint in his eyes.
"Yes, I know, Major. We just need to hold off until the Rebel fleet gets a little closer to us" And he turned back around.

Lieutenant-Colonel Hizad sent his fighter into a dizzying spin, firing his lasers at the same time. The Rebel pilot trying to shake he became disoriented and broke hard to starboard, right into a fiery death.
"Yeah, that's what I thought! Die, Rebel scum, Die!" He yelled. Suddenly his craft shook, and his shield indicators flashed, and dimmed slightly. "Dammit"

Two klicks away, Colonel Kaye calmly lined the X-Wing up in his sites, and squeezed the trigger. Emerald daggers sliced neatly through the S-foils of the enemy fighter, and the cockpit sailed off to oblivion. But by that time, Kaye was already working on the next fighter. Once again he took carful aim, and once again a Rebel pilot lost his life. And then another. And another.

Commander Fraggal_Hawk went streaking through the mass of A-wings, firing what seemed to be random shots, until three rebels exploded, and 2 more went sailing off into nothing.
"And these guys won at Endor? Why?" As he spoke, another Rebel ship exploded. He glanced at his shield indicators. Not a scratch. He grinned, and kept on truckin'.

Major Ace weaved in and out of the hail of Lasers, and as he got closer to his target, turbolaser blasts. His Fighter got nicked, and started to spin slowly. He tightened up on the yoke, and kept going. His comm crackled.
"Ace, get over here! Raptor's going in for a bomber run, and needs an escort!"
"Roger that. Me and my boys will be there in a second." He hit the button on his comm. "One flight, three flight, come with me. We need to give Kaye and his bomberboys some space to vape. Two flight, take out that squadron of Crosses before they can get off any missiles at the Chimaera." He got confirmations back, and headed off towards the group of sensor dots that was Gamma.

Vice Admiral Blade watched the battle, and waited. He heard Major Archon shouting out orders, and Lieutenant-Colonel mBind belaying and confirming them all the while. Daemon waited. The battle was looking extremely bad. Perfect. Blade didn't have to wait anymore. He once again said a word.

Lieutenant-Colonel Ender mBind heard Vice Admiral Blade's second command, and hit the hyperwave transponder on last time. The battle was about to turn.

"Lieutenant, transfer eighteen percent of our speed into shields, and get all the starboard turbolasers fixed on that Nebulan-B!" Major Archon shouted into the crew pit of the bridge.
"Yes Sir" he heard, then he turned his attention to Vice Admiral Blade and the viewports he was standing in front of. Blade stood silently staring through the Transparasteel window, watching the battle. Then his console beeped. He looked down, and saw a red dot appear on the screen. Then another. And another. And they kept on coming. Archon hit a button, and read the list of the newly arrived ships, and he broke out with a smile. He read aloud, to himself and anyone close enough to hear.
"The Grey Wolf, the Intrepid...."

Lieutenant-Colonel Hizad watched as one of Raptor's boy's centered the bridge of the MC-80 in thier target receptacle, and watched the heavy rocket exploded out of the missile tube, and fly towards the doomed Mon Cal. He saw two Fighters speed up to protect the rocket. The other Bombers fired their rockets at other targets on the Mon Cal.
"Alright boys! One down," He looked around. "..a lot more to go." He sighed. No matter that they had taken out the Mon Cal, the outcome wasn't going to change unless a miracle occurred. That miracle came in the form of a fighter. A TIE Interceptor specifically, that his sensors labeled Phoenix 1-1. "What the...?"
"Hey, Mantis 1-1, need some help?" The Interceptor flew past him, and one of the green dots on his sensors blinked out. Hizad checked out his sensor history, and saw that most of the Aggressor Strike Fleet was here, including the squadrons, and following behind, an Interdictor

Colonel Kaye aimed carefully, gently started to squeeze the trigger. And watched as a Concussion missile drove it's way into his target's viewport and explode. He looked around.
"Sorry bout that Raptor 1-1, but it was just so tempting. Oh yeah, Krayt 1-1 reporting for ass-saving duty."
And there was much rejoicing.

"It's a beautiful thing, isn't it?" Commander Fraggal_Hawk said to himself. He watched as the Rebel fleet that had once been so imposing was systematically turned to scrap metal. The ships that had been moving in on the Vanguard suddenly found themselves speeding away from the interdiction field. They never made it.
"All units report back to the Vanguard" A voice come over the comm. Fraggal_Hawk hit a switch.
"Acknowledged, Vanguard. Heading home."

Major Ace climbed from his fighter's cockpit, and walked down the catwalks to the turbolifts that would take him to the De-briefing room. He met up with Lieutenant Pavz on the way.
"I guess you were right this time, Jack" Ace commented. Pavz just looked at him.
"You know, sir, when I give input like that, you really should take it into better consideration then you do." Ace smiled and shook his head.
"I know it, Pavz, I know it. I was just...bored, and I didn't think anything was gonna happen" They stepped into the turbolift, and headed down. Pavz nodded.
"Yes sir. I'm just suggesting that you be more carful, you know" Ace reached over and patted Pavz on the back.
"Thanks a lot. I know you don't want to see anybody get killed. I'm glad you're in Hornet, man." They stopped at the turbolift doors, and Ace hit the button. He smiled as the doors pinged, and opened. They entered the turbolift, and headed down.

Vice Admiral Blade looked over the crowded briefing room. He was glad to see most of his pilot's faces, alive and kicking. He hadn't prepared anything to say, but that was normal. He rarely ever needed a written speech. He began.
"Now, I'm sure you want to know what exactly happened out there today, correct?" He looked around, reading facial expressions. Behind the ship's crew, he caught a glace of the holo cameras broadcasting this to the briefing rooms of the other ships. "A lot of you" he continued, "are sitting there with you minds already made up on one conclusion or another. I'm here to tell you what really happened." Blade looked around once more, and then began the story.

Lieutenant-Colonel Ender mBind stood behind the Vice Admiral as the explanation was going on. He heard Blade tell the pilots of the Empire how he has intercepted a message regarding a large strike force of Rebel ships being prepared to wipe Blade's force in the Outer Ring off the map. How he heard that one of the top strategic minds in the Galaxy was leading the force, and how this particular top strategic mind also had no way of grasping the idea that a surprised enemy could take the upper hand before a single shot was fired. Ender heard the Vice Admiral talk of how he formed the plan of allowing his pilots to be truly surprised to help the effect of the ploy, and how he had the entire fleet waiting just in-system.
It was pure brilliance, as far as mBind was concerned. He would have never thought of allowing his own men to be surprised to help the acting. Hell, he would have never figured out that an Ithorian from the north-west region of Ithor would have the kind of mental incapacity that allowed this stunt to be pulled off. Ender blinked. In fact, he thought, I would have never even caught that signal that tipped us off in the first place.
"If it were not for the great skill of all of you, this plan would have never worked. I congratulate you all." Blade finished his de-briefing, and Ender moved up to take the stand. It had, in fact, turned out to be a most interesting day.

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