Beth Report # 1 (2000-01-30)

This report was submitted by LC Sequoh Marden

Beth Squadron Report # 1 - January 30th, 2000

I have only been Commander of Beth for two days and there are already enough
thinngs going on to fill a report :P
We have recieved a new pilot. Please welcome LCM Nylad to Beth Squadron if
you haven't already!
Wing III Comp. #4 has started! It uses the XWA Free Mission Defend the ISD
Colossus, which some of us already know from the Aleth vs. Beth competition.
I expect everyone to fly and to send me his pilot file until the 13th of
Feb. There's a PC for the winner and a ISM for the second.

Squadron News and Activity
- LCM Nylad joins Beth Squadron as Beth 1-3. Welcome to Beth!

- CM Werdna Elbee has completed FREE-XWA 1, 3 and 4!

- CM Sequoh Marden has completed TC-XWA 1 and TC-XvT 2 and 3

- LCM Var Zoraan is away for one week

- LCM Nylad and CM Werdna attended to the first (inofficial) Beth meeting

- Remember: The first official Beth meeting will be next Saturday (2/5/00)
at 1 pm EST / 6 pm GMT on Undernet in the channel #Beth. E-mail me if you're
not able to come for some reasons!

- LT Mazen, I haven't heared from you for quite some time, please contact

Wing News
- Wing III Comp. #4 has started! see above for details

- Wing III Membership at 25

Tie Corps News
-New Battle
Another new battle has been released:

TC-TIE #137: Pirate Arms War
All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

-New restored battle released to the fleet
TC-TIE #44: Military Complex Operation

This battle was recently known as MilCom-1 and flown during the first
Sovereign Squadron League! If you have your pilot file for this battle (or,
if you don't, you can prove you played this in the first SSL), you can now
earn official credit and FCHG points for it.

This battle is available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

-New Battles released to the fleet
Yes, I know it's been a really long time since battles have been released.
With stable, I can finally dedicate my work back to what my
primary job should be as Tactical Officer!

The following new battles have been released to the fleet:

TC-TIE #134: Damaged TIEs
TC-TIE #135: Pirate Confederation Battle
TC-TIE #136: Recruitment Campaign
BHG #1: The Hunt Begins
All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

-More bugs fixed
A bug that had the "Rec. Medal" and "Rec. BSF" links show up on inactive
pilots and cadets has been been fixed.

-New CA:TAC2 assigned
Congratulations to Vice Admiral Sauron, the new second Command Attaché for
the Tactical Office!

-New Administration Feature
For CMDRs+: Now you can use the Personnel Search page to recommend medals or
BSFs without having to pull up the pilot's Personnel Profile. However, this
only works when you're logged in at administration.

-New Battle Mirror has generously provided us with another battle mirror for
downloading official EH battles!

On a side note, I'll be hard at work finishing the final beta testing for
all those that were waiting since my last Tactical Briefing for me to
finish! Believe me, I want to get these new battles out by the Newsletter
#62 submission deadline so I don't look totally inactive this month! :)

-Database Updates Now Complete
Yes, that's right. Everything that should have been done over the last week
is now complete. Everyone's been promoted, assigned, AWOL'ed, transferred,
fed their dried frog pills etc.

What now? Everyone check their profiles. If you see anything wrong - MAIL
ME. I'll probably regret this later, but right now I'm still the mood to
play with the database, so this is a one-time special offer - check your
profiles, email me with any obvious errors.

Note to the over-enthusiastic members amongst us - If you're going to email
me with a complaint that your IWATS Courses aren't listed properly, be sure
to put 'IWATS Course Corrections' in the subject, so I know I can delete it
without looking at it. I'm the Flight Officer. I do rosters. Fleet Admiral
Astatine is the Dean of IWATS. Funnily enough, he does IWATS Courses :Þ

- Newsletter #60 released
Sector Admiral Compton has released Newsletter #60 to the fleet. NL #60 is
the special EH 5th Anniversary issue, featuring the best of the EH for the
last five years.

You can download it at: (~10 MB)

- Participate in Wing III Comp. #4

- Participate in TO Comp. #5

- Recruit us some pilots

Beth Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: CM Sequoh Marden (
NICKNAME: Banshees
MOTTO: Your Death Is Our Pleasure

Nickname: The Leading Eagles
Motto: Victory Through Precision
1) CM Sequoh Marden ( T/D Firedragon
2) LT Neo Tarrick ( T/D Fate's Judge
3) LCM Nylad ( T/D Black Blur
4) TBA

Nickname: The Black Capricorns
Motto: Cry Out Our Name With Your Dying Breath
1) CM Werdna Elbee ( T/D Morning Glory
2) LT Mazen ( T/D Reaver
3) TBA
4) LCM Var Zoraan ( T/D Proud Eagle

Nickname: Messengers From Hell
Motto: Pray We Not Meet, For You Shall Never Survive
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Beth Squadron Commander Commander Sequoh Marden
----------------------------------------------------------------CMDR/CM Sequoh Marden/Beth/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign [LANC]
PCx4/ISMx5/MoI/MoT -gh/LoCx2/CoL T/D Firedragon
JH Sequoh Marden (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
Flight Leader of Sidious Squadron Flight 3

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