Tornado Report # 2 (2000-08-18)

This report was submitted by COL Kessler

It's customary to put in a load of news here about what the rest of the EH and the TIE Corps have been getting up to. But screw that. We don't really care what those losers are doing :P Anyone who's interested can check out TIE Corps News every few days.

Here's the good stuff:

Exercise Cantina Run
So far we've got 10 tfrs to choose from, so we're doing okay. Unfotunately, despite having the battles credited on my combat record, I can't find the tfrs for one of them, and the score on the other was... well, not good. So I've just reflown them all and to hell with it :P You guys fly the rest if you can, if you can't - concentrate on the Squadron League.

Speaking of which...

SSSD Sovereign Squadron League 2000
Well you've all heard my stated Squadron Objectives - everything else can go take a long jump off a short landing platform as long as we win the Squadron League, however The Rea-Steele connection didn't seem to take this quite as seriously as the rest of us, left it to the last minute (again) and when something unexpected cropped up, both failed to get scores in (again). I can see a trend developing here. *picks up baseball bat*

Do it!

Okay, they're both really sorry they let us down... well, Rea is, Steele could be carbon frozen for all I know, so we'll say no more and get on with it. Our scores were as follows:

1. LC Corran Horn - 284,486
2. COL Kessler - 282,468
3. MAJ TopDawg - 279,114
4. MAJ Kronn - 272,079
5. LCM Veers - 256,882
6. CM Kou-Taiki - 177,910
All scores are laserless.
Participation rate: 75%
Squadron Total: 1,552,939

Now tell Sigma Squadron to stick THAT up their afterburners :P

Membership back on the rise.
LC Corran Horn and MAJ TopDawg rejoined us this week, and CPT Rea has confirmed that LC Guthwulf is seriously considering coming out of retirement to join us too. The membership crisis is now over, whether Guthwulf actually joins or not. With eight fully active and committed pilots of this calibre we're easily the equal of most of other Squads with a full roster. Well done to CPT Rea for his quality recruitment work, and to those in contact with Cadets - keep talking to them - it never hurts to have a few more pilots:)

XWA Squadron League
We were the only Squadron in the entire Wing who bothered to take part in this, and despite our obvious limitations (i.e - we're not an XWA Squadron or Wing) we finished 7th out of 18 participating squadrons. It might not sound too impressive, but as far as I'm concerned this means that we're officially the seventh best XWA Squadron in the Fleet - not bad work for a TIE Squadron, and thanks entirely to the two or three members we have who can actually play XWA. That's my boys!

Weekly Activity Report

COL Kyle "Old Man" Kessler
Flew Free-XWA 14 for XWA League
Flew Free-TIE 94 for Battlecry #5 Contest
Flew TC-TIE 123
Flew TC-XWA 2
Flew TC-XWA 5
Flew TC-XWA 6
Flew TC-XWA 8
Flew Free-XWA 5
Flew Free-XWA 6
ECR - completed tfrs for TC-TIE 123 and TC-XWA 5, 6 and 8
Added extras to Squadron webpage
Appointed as Commandant of the Naval Warfare Training Academy and Assistant Naval Chief of Staff
Promoted to FCHG Knight
Darklord - get off your lazy ass and get my BSFs submitted! :P

MAJ "Snoop Doggy" TopDawg
Submitted eight QUALITY graphics
Flew TC-TIE 77 for Squadron League

CPT "Sleeping Beauty" Steele
Zip. Nada. Nothing. Not even been in contact.

CPT "God's Gift To Starfighters" Rea
Rea's been recruiting like crazy, however, like Steele he also left things to the last minute and therefore failed to get a score in for the Squadron League due to last minute problems. I've dispensed a little "Kessler Justice" and he assures us it won't happen again :P

CM "Mister Empire" Kou-Taiki
Flew FREE-XWA 14 for XWA League
Squadron TopGun in XWA League - awarded ISM
Flew TC-TIE 48
Flew TC-XWA 8
ECR - submitted files for TC-TIE 48, 102, 123 and TC-XWA 6
Like Rea, Kou also has some promising possible recruits.

LC Corran "Captain Charisma" Horn
ECR - Submitted tfrs for TC-TIE 48, 102 and 123
Flew TC-TIE 77 for Squadron League

LCM Callum "The Shadow" Veers
Flew TC-TIE 77 for Squadron League
Flew Free TIE 94 for Battlecry #5 Contest
Flying DB XVT Battle
Awaiting results of IWATS IIC/2 AND IIC/3 courses

MAJ Aven "Der Fuhrer" Kronn
Flew FREE-XWA 14 for Squadron League
ECR - Submitted tfr for TC-TIE 123

CMDR/COL Kyle Kessler/Tornado Squadron/Wing X/ISD Challenge
MoH/IC/OoR/GOE/GSx2/SSx4/BSx8/PCx2/ISMx10/MoI-DC/ISx3/LoC-PSx34/OV-2E [KNGT]

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