Tempest Report # 1 (2000-12-11)

This report was submitted by LC Zulaan Eronaile


This have been a quite quiet week, little of communication and
small amounts of submitted pilot files. Only three battles this week.

Squadron Citations has risen from 14 to 16 this week, we got the
first when I completed TC-TIE #3 and we recived the second one upon Kheeta's completion of TC-TIE #105.

I will in the next week map the quickest ways of archiveing new Squadron Citation(s)as fast as possible. Now, here is were you
come in pilots. I'll need to know how mutch you can fly, so I
need each one of your reply on this....
Remember to reply only to me!

We aren't engaged in any competitions at the moment due to that
we're waiting for the results of the current round of the
Sov-League.... When we are finsihed with that, we're gonna go and smack Dagger Squadrons butt... And I get to smack Dan's Bottom :)
More about that will follow as I said when we're finished with the Sov-League....

If you want to talk to me or something I'd strongly advice you to
come to the channel #isdchallenge on the Undernet. Me you can find
there scatterd around the day, I useually are around there at 16.00
GMT to approx 21:00 GMT.... There's usually other people from
ISD Challenge there too..... People like our esteemed Wing Commander, Colonel Darklord and others... Sometimes it's quite fun being there :)

FLEET WIDE NEWS (as taken from TC.org)

Skill Profiles
12:16 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
Sub-Lieutenants and above can now show off on their profiles what extra talents they have and their
proficiency in them just by logging in the Administration Section! Skills will appear on your personnel profile.
If you have suggestions for new skills that aren't listed there, please feel free to e-mail Sector Admiral Kawolski.

EH Encyclopedia helpers needed
02:51 - HA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
I've neglected this project for the last couple months. However, it's going to start up again. If you are interested
in helping with this project, email me at jpboyce@indigo.net.au If you wish to know more, you can also email that address.

Commendation of Loyalty
22:59 - VA Wet Willy [wetwilly@jedi.nu]
All command officers (CMDRs/TUCs and up) need to check the latest OPS Office report for information on
Commendation of Loyalty recommendations and start getting yours compiled and sent up the command ladder.
Now, get to it!

New roster search engine
22:57 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
Now you can search rosters by name, e-mail, rank, IGZone name, AIM, ICQ, or any combination of them.

EH Advanced Guard Ambassadors
08:44 - RA Quake [guyquake@btinternet.com]
With my appointment of Lord Ambassador, I need to have two full time Ambassadors to help me run the
Advanced Guard. If you wish to apply for this position, please email guyquake@btinternet.com with the

subject: Application for Ambassador. The position needs minimal qualifications, although I do insist that
you are a Lieutenant or above.

FO on short leave
06:19 - AD Theodore [theodore@tiecorps.org]
The Flight Officer, AD Theodore, will be on short leave until Saturday morning est. He is on-line and is receiving
his mail and will be doing some administration, but is unable to complete all requests at this time. The Flight
Office will return to normal operation on Saturday.

Medal board update
02:44 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
The medals pictures on the Medal Board have been updated to the lastest photos from the Operations Office.

Newsletter #69
01:24 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
Sector Admiral Compton has released Newsletter #69 to the fleet. This issue has been named the special
edition "EH Primer." While there are no reports or submissions from members, it does contain a digested
version of the Emperor's Hammer Training Manual with some added commentary from the Executive Officer
on each command-level position and subgroup.

You can download it at: http://www.tiecorps.org/files/nl/hammer69.zip (~0.4 MB).

New Virus
09:14 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
The Shockwave Trojan aka the W32.Prolin.Worm virus is spreading with the subject line
"A great Shockwave Flash movie" with an infected file attachment. Make sure your virus definitions are updated
and delete any such e-mails with that subject! Supposedly, it doesn't do any permanent damage to your files,
but cleaning up can be annoying. Find out more information at:



1) LC Zulaan Eronaile (zulaani@isdchallenge.org) - #330
09/12/00 - Completed TC-TIE #3
2) LT Grey Wolf (grey_wolf2k@yahoo.com) - #4950
xx/xx/xx - None
3) CM Kaneda Pellail (kaneda@isdchallenge.org) - #543
03/12/00 - Completed TC-XWA #2
4) CPT Vuffi Raa (vuffi@isdchallenge.org) - #2886
xx/xx/xx - None

1) LCM Daniel Bonini (carlosmassaru@uol.com.br) - #2524
xx/xx/xx - None
2) LT Mike Keyman (keyman@isdchallenge.org) - #4223
xx/xx/xx - None
3) CM Rover (eh_rover@lglobus.ru) - #545
xx/xx/xx - None
4) TBA

1) LCM Viresse Kheeta (Kheeta@isdchallenge.org) - #4642
10/12/00 - Completed TC-TIE #105
2) LT Wray Muska (wraymuska@jedi.nu) - #3432
xx/xx/xx - None
3) LT Jerha'd Milar (ranger1968@hotmail.com) - #5177
xx/xx/xx - None
4) TBA


That ends that report..... Yihaa... :D


"Reality is only a state of mind, the impossible is possible"
Lieutenant Colonel Zulaan "Satai" Eronaile
CMDR/LC Zulaan Eronaile/Tempest 1-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
(BS)(4xPC)(7xISM)(MoT-rh)(MoI)(OV-2E)[IWATS CORE,IIC,SM/1,SM/2][DRAG]
Krath Priest Zulaan Eronaile(Krath)/House Aleema Of Satal Keto (BN)
Email: zulaan@isdchallenge.org
ICQ Number: 1334466

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