Koph Report # 3 (2000-09-01)

This report was submitted by MAJ Firebird

Pilots of Koph Squadron:

I saw some more activity this week, I'm pleased to say. SL Place has an idea the two of us are going to follow up on, and LT Streng was very quick about getting a new email address when his normal one failed. However, I do not see any pilot files in my mailbox.

Combat Run #13 is still on! If you haven't downloaded TC-TIE #78 yet, do it now! You can find it at the EH Battle Center.

( http://www.tiecorps.org/battles/battlelist.asp?battletype=1)

Remember to fly the 5 missions on a new pilot file, and send the pilot file to me by the 13th. That's Wednesday!

In other news, WC Joe has a new pet Grizzly Bear named Bob. He apparently enjoys eating red meat, especially when seasoned with beer or wine.

Do not be alarmed if the key to your quarters stops working, I have been informed that they are rotating the keycodes for some routine maintenance on the locks. Should this happen to you, you will find your new key in WC Joe's office. Heh heh.

Those of you marked inactive have only one more Squadron Report left before you are declared AWOL. I hate to do it, but there's a whole Platform full of folks ready and eager to be in a squadron. This is your last chance, folks. Send me one lousy little email and stay here with Bob, or don't and get tossed out an airlock. The choice is yours :)

That will be all,
Major Firebird

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