COO Report # 47 (2022-09-29)

This report was submitted by COO/FA Miles Prower/TC-3/VSDII Aggressor

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REPORTING OFFICER: Fleet Admiral Miles "Tails" Prower, Combat Operations Officer
DATE SUBMITTED: 29 September 2022
Including 3 NPCs and 1 two-tailed vulpinroid


"Did you get the command post?"
"We got it, sir!"
"Good, that's one less loose end."
Another month over. New COOAs have joined the group to help with the load that comes with Raise The Flag starting at 0000 GMT on 1 October 2022. The RTF site is at as always

I will be in Avenger Squadron once again, hopefully giving some of a run for your money. (And in LegionX's case, stealing his in Forces Of Corruption).

However on 24 October 2022, I will be out of the office for an oral surgical procedure. But after sedation wears off I believe I'll be off work again on paid leave, so watch out for that clutch Avenger win!

Welcome to:
Captain TheBlackXRanger (Lambda Squadron)
Captain Colo Delste (Tempest Squadron)
Captain Vapin Vanman (Theta Squadron)
Major LegionX (Thunder Squadron)

These are the new COOAs that were installed, after I had upgraded the Combat Operations Exam to COE/2, available here

In the intervening time as well, we introduced a new platform: Empire At War and Forces of Corruption, however due to quality concerns raised earlier, as of today Forces of Corruption is the only form of Empire At War PvP/PvE that is being accepted. As both the GOG and Steam versions of the game come with Forces of Corruption, this should be a non-issue as far as access.

As a little tip, in your Steam launch options if you'd like to stop being bugged about being asked to choose which one to play, you can put "swfoc" (without quotes) in the Launch Options. A Forces of Corruption scoreboard and match setup UI is based on a yellow/gold motif, while original EAW is based on a blue motif.

Also note for FOC rules as a recap:

Space Battles or Ground Battles accepted
Any faction may be used
PvE requires two humans or more present for LoS. AI settings are as followed: Equivalent number of AI to players or more if playing at Medium AI. Equivalent-1 or more AI if playing at Hard. (i.e 3 human players may face 3+ Medium AI or 2+ Hard AI). As of 12 September 2022, any matches not meeting these standards will be declined.
Advanced Settings for PvE: No Heroes, No Superweapons, Starting Credits 2000
Advanced Settings for PvP: No Heroes, Superweapons are allowed, free starting units required for fog of war, starting credits 2000
Screenshots required: Setup showing how the game was set up and a screenshot of the results showing the clear winner(s)
Match time no shorter than 5 minutes.
Current Top 3s (Based on Victories)

1st:CPT TheBlackxRanger:231 victories (EA-BF: 8, SWS: 49, EA-BF2: 174)
2nd:LT Maximus Meridus:188 victories (SWS: 188)
3rd:CPT Colo Delste: 76 victories (EA-BF: 1, EA-BF2: 3, SWS: 72)

1st:CPT Gytheran:2,405 victories (SWS: 4, EaW: 129, SC: 2272) (Here is footage of Gytheran)
2nd:GN Elwood The Brave:377 victories (EA-BF2: 1, SC: 376)
3rd:COL Genie: 372 victories (SWS: 5, EaW: 114, SC: 253)

191: 3PO League Season 5 (Ends on 10/02/2022)
193: COO-mbat Operations (Temporarily Suspended during RTF)


Approval Criteria:
At least 1 kill or 1 objective with a winning match. You may submit a 0 kill scoresheet so long as your scoreboard matches up accordingly. For Star Wars Squadrons you must have at a minimum 200 score to be considered productive

Modifiers for Squadrons are to either be pre-checked with the COO/COOAs or conform to posted accepted presets (3PO League, etc.)

For matches involving multiple EH pilots on the winning team, they must be defined in match report and also must be in a scoreboard screenshot.

Custom missions must have a screenshot containing posted modifiers.

Match reports must be made no more than 72 hours after completion unless special dispensation is given by the COO

Star Conflict players must be a member of the EH corporation displaying our tags for credit.

OFFICER ROSTER (Star Conflict)

LC Alejandro Araujo
LC Aardvark
AD John T. Clark (SOO)
VA Marenta (Warrior Commodore)
FA Miles Prower (COO/RO)
VA Phoenix Berkana (Hammer Commodore)
VA Silwar Naiilo (COOA/Challenge Commodore)
CPT TI-40026 (COOA)


Upcoming Tasks
Make coffee
Annoy Marenta
Take LegionX's lunch money in Forces of Corruption
Realise that for one day in October my mouth is going to be shut and everyone's probably going to throw a party because of it.
Carry Avenger Squadron ;)

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If there's anything we can help you with, please let us know! Message me on Discord at Admiral Miles Prower#0152 or over email at coo at emperorshammer dot org or tc dash combat dash ops dash office at gmail dot com.

COO/FA Miles Prower/TC-3/VSDII Aggressor
IC/GOEx2/GSx2/SSx5/BSx5/PCx8/ISMx20/IAR/MoI-BC/MoC-5doc-5poc-7goc-7soc-53boc/MUA/IS-4GW-2SW-8BW-15SR-22BR/ORA-1C/LoC-RS/LoS-RS/CoLx11/CoB/LoAx2/OV-15E [Hussar] [Officer 2nd] [Gunner's Mate 3rd]

Working alongside
FL-COOA/CPT TI-40026/Firebird 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge

CMDR-COOA/LC Highlander/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

CMDR-COOA/CPT Colo Delste/Tempest/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
FL-ROA-COOA/CPT The BlackxRanger/Lambda 3-2/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

CMDR-COOA/CPT Vapin Vanman/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
CMDR-COOA/MAJ Legion X/Thunder/Wing X/ISDII Challenge

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