Eagle Report # 25 (2024-03-31)

This report was submitted by CMDR-COOA/COL Miles Prower/Eagle/Wing XXII/MC90 Renegade/Battlegroup III

Easter Sunday upon us and the start of a new month begins tomorrow!

Imperial Storm has ended but we added new platforms. Destiny 2 and Classic Battlefront 1 and 2 being both the originals and the new Classic Collection.

Armon Ferro was awarded the Silver Star of the Empire along with the General Campaign Medal and participating credit for Imperial Storm VI
Maple Wulvar was awarded the Palpatine Crescent along with the General Campaign Medal and participating credit for Imperial Storm VI
Miles Prower was awarded the Silver Star of the Empire by the COO and the Imperial Security Medal along with the General Campaign Medal and participating credit for Imperial Storm VI
Leon joined the squadron and got both their first LoC and LoS and got promoted from SL to LT!

Trivia For The Challenged 2024 Season 1 - Goes live April 6th, 2024

Active Pilots
LCM Armon Ferro - Flight & Comms
LT Leon - Flight & Comms
LCM Maple Wulvar - Flight & Comms
LT Maria Prower - Flight & Comms
COL Miles Prower - Flight & Comms
CPT Xylo Pethtel - Comms

Commander: COL Miles Prower

Timezone: US Eastern
Availability: 07:30-08:00 & 17:00-23:00 Saturday-Thursday, 08:00-15:00 Fridays
Squadron Executive Officer/Flight 2 Flight Leader: CPT Xylo Pethtel

Timezone: US Mountain
Flight 3 Flight Leader: LCM Maple Wulvar

Timezone: Atlantic Standard Time

CMDR-COOA/COL Miles Prower/Eagle/Wing XXII/MC90 Renegade/Battlegroup III
IC/GOEx2/GSx3/SSx7/BSx5/PCx12/ISMx24/IAR/MoI-BC/MoC-6doc-7poc-8goc-8soc-63boc/MUA/IS-4GW-3SW-8BW-4CW-15SR-27BR/ORA-1C/LoC-RS/LoS-RS/CoLx13/CoB/LoAx2/OV-17E [Fusilier] [Officer 1st] [Campaigner 4th]

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