COO Report # 42 (2004-12-19)

This report was submitted by FA Khameir Sarin

COO Report 42 Update:

Prior to my exciting and mind blowing COO news, I would like to make a comment on the COO report from a few days ago (report 42). In this report I called the VFSF a "lesser retarded clone" of the EH. I would like to apologize to those few individuals who are in that club for the trauma that I may of caused. My personal oppinions should of remained out of my report. Indeed, I hope they can forgive me.

More importantly I would like to apologize to our FW players who are now forced to undergo some extra hardships within the game because my comments were taken as Role Play. I was unaware that my reports constituted as valid role play for FreeWorlds. It is to you, the very dedicated EH FWers that I am deeply sorry to.

In addition to my apology, I will also remove myself from the EHC structure in FreeWorlds. I am not a skilled pilot in the game, nor do I really focus much time to it. The EHC tag would be much better suited in a more devoted player. Especially one that can last longer than 20 seconds in TEs :p

So once again, I apologize for my comments.

Now some Addional COO News:

  1. FC/GA Astatine awarded me an IC. Thanks Ast!

  2. I awarded several COO staff and TC members awards. Pri=SS, Tek=SS, Kaerner=SS, Gilad=BS, Dax=BS, and Ky=BS. Tek and Kaerner earned their SS for being the best MP Pilot and CMDR in the Fleet. Gilad picked up a BS for best MP COM. Dax, Pri, and Ky's awards were for serving on the COO staff. Great work to all of you!

  3. COO 1 Year celebration Ladder is on. I will be putting on my Santa Sarin hat and giving all the good little MP boys and girls many trinkets for participating. You have until midnight EST to get the rest of your matches in. Thus far 63 matches have been flown. If we crack a 100 I will increase the awards. :p

  4. Congrats to Ender on MoH, Cyric on HA, and Khadgar on GS!

  5. ASF Plug: When I was the Avenger Elite CMDR I used to brag that MP pilots got all the good stuff. In keeping with this tradition I would like to wish continued success to my fellow ASF Alumni: SCO, TO, FO, COMM, SO, TAC, PRF, and new ASF BGCOM.

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