COO Report # 19 (2002-07-19)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

Combat Operations Office Report #19 - 07.19.02

From the desk of Vice Admiral Khadgar...

Another busy week at the Combat Operations Office. I have a few announcements to make this week, including a leave I will soon be taking. Please read within for greater details...

Hosts Sought

The Combat Operations Office is currently seeking General Hosts to fill in for late or absent hosts. Qualities that would help with the position are as follows:

* Active presence in #EHCOC.
* Able to spend many hours of time getting scores down in the proper format.
* Able to quickly organize the scores and get them submitted to the appropriate COO staff members.

If you're interested, please E-Mail COO Khadgar ( and COOA Kyle Katarn (

COO Leave

The Combat Operations Officer will be visting the United States from July 21st until his return on the 31st. During that time, COOA Kyle Katarn will handle normal requests. Any extraordinary requests will unfortunately have to wait until my return.

TIE Interceptor Infernal

The EH recently finished 4th a Battlestats Competition named "TIE Fighter Infernal". There was a lot of participation, and the Combat Operations Office will be happy to provide similiar oppurtunities in the future. As for the LoCs, they will likely be done either shortly before or shortly after my leave. Thank you to everyone who participated!

In the service of the Empire,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
Combat Operations Officer

COO/VA Khadgar/VSD Aggressor
GOE/GS/SSx3/BSx3/PCx8/ISMx16/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-6BR-2SR/LoC-PSx58/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV-2E [EXCR]

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