FSE Report # 8 (2000-12-10)

This report was submitted by SA Kawolski

Here's this week's update on things going on in the FSE Office:

Fiction Archive

The anticipated Fiction Archive is nearing completion! Just a few more administration pages need to be built along with an opening page and search engine.

Imperial Senate Database

The IS now has a fully working Medal and Certification recommendation form. Just recently, I added the scripts so CHS Raian can start approving/rejecting requests. I plan on making mailing lists for CCNs soon.

Command Officer Report System

I'm happy to report that since two weeks ago, all of the Command Staff officers with the exception of three (XO, COMM, and LO) are now posting their reports online at tiecorps.org! Some officers such as the TAC, IO, SCO, and RO have posted past reports as well dating back several weeks or months!

Flag Officer Report System

A similar report system is being built for CMDRs+. This is much more complicated that the other report system, thus it's taking me a while to finish up.

Advanced Roster Search Engine

A new way to search rosters has been put up! Now you can search rosters by name, e-mail, rank, IGZone name, AIM, ICQ, or any combination of them. Check it out at http://search.tiecorps.org/

Skill Profiles

Skill Profiles are almost finished! If you want a preview of what they're going to look like, check out my profile at http://691.tiecorps.org/

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Fleet Systems Engineer =
- FSE/SA Kawolski/VSD Stalwart (#691) [ret.]
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoCx3/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2}
- http://www.tiecorps.org - http://www.kawolski.com

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