COMM Report # 2 (2005-01-01)

This report was submitted by RA Joey C

RA Joey C reporting in for the Communications Office - 1 Employee and counting!

2nd of January 2005

Happy New Year Emperor's Hammer! I predict that this year of 2005 will bring much productivity, happiness, and... that's all I have for now. Me personally had a good New Years Eve, going down to Sydney Harbour to watch the fireworks with a group of friends. Ended up meeting a very nice girl who came from Engadine! Why do they always have to live so far away! I mean c'mon, Engadine! It couldn't have been somewhere nice and close to my house, but noooooo, it had to -


- There were two resignations from the Command Staff this week. Tactical Officer Mike has stepped down after a very long tour of duty in the position, and has rejoined the Intrepid. His replacement, chosen already,is RA Frodo June. I wish the small man luck being third in command of the EH.

The second is RA Drako (NOTE: Yes, I know Drako is an AD, but it's fun to watch people squirm over an imaginary rank *sparkles*), who stepped down from the position of Training Officer. Applicants are able to write an application to apply, so apply yourselves to writing those applying applications...etc.

- Astatine is running a new competition for us this month:

Go and write up some funny stuff now! It'll be worth it.


- My first competition so far has begun! The "Whose line is it anyway" competition has gotten a flood of participation, which needless to say is VERY VERY GOOD for me... *looks over his shoulder for the sniper*

The winner for this competition for this week will be announced at the end of the report. And a medal should be winging your way shortly. Not as shortly as Frodo though... sorry.

- The website I promised you earlier has fragmented into several pieces. The quotes page is now an entirely seperate entity. As for the main site... it is coming soon.

- A new Medal of Communications system (yay!) has been written up and is sitting on my desktop. As soon as I go through it and work out the bugs, then I will post it to the Astatine for final approval. So start looking forward to it.


The first winner of the "Whose Line is it anyway" Competition is


With this quote:

(AlexFoley) whenever Pri answers a technical question you have to be skeptical

(`Spellfire) Shut your mouth, I can answer technical questions.

(miack) Miack was amused

(`Spellfire) You'd be amused with a stick.

(miack) yeah, makes life easy

Well... I found it funny. :P


Emperor's Hammer Message Board:
Coming soon - New links!

Look to here again for more wacky news and adventures from the COMM Office!

RA Joey C - "Ingrates."

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