COMM Report # 16 (2005-04-19)

This report was submitted by AD Joey C

Admiral Joey C reporting in for the Communications Office

Greetings, all. A relatively slow week in my department. Mostly monitoring how the MoCs and CoCs are blending in to the regular routine of EH life. So far, pretty good. Everyone is mostly abiding by the rules, which is always reassuring.

The end of the month is approaching. To all BGCOMs, be sure to bug your COMs to get their recommendations for their pilots in so they can get a MoC.

This is a late addition to the MoC Guidelines. Well, more of a rewording than an addition. ONLY ONE PILOT PER BATTLEGROUP IS AWARDED A MoC PER MONTH After a few queries about this I realised it wasn't explained all that well in the initial guidelines. My bad. :P

Another late note. It seemed I forgot my own MoC guidelines. :P As there are supposed to be TWO MoC winners for my run-on competition the other week, the other winner of the competition is Khadgar. MoCs will be gracing the two winners of the competition very soon.

The EH Newsletter has been released by the Fl33t Commander. In it is a surprisingly serious interview of yours truly. Be sure to read. As usual there are also some very good fiction and image samples, so check those out too.

Having attended my first EH Meeting for the first time since becoming COMM (damn timezones :P) I saw that there should be something interesting that takes place after trivia. Therefore, I will be running a competition to receive suggestions on what kind of weekly competition can be held after trivia.

That's it for this week. So until next time...

Admiral Joey C - "Did you stay up all night eating cheese?"

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