SO Report # 12 (2005-01-07)

This report was submitted by VA Vladet Xavier

EH Security Office Report

Security Office News

Rather slow week in the Security Office. Minimal problems all across the fleet with only a few IRC problems. Please remember that there's an "Annoyance" part of the Codes of Conduct and acting like a twelve year old will probably result in you being banned from a channel for a period of time.

The Empire versus Sannah should have a resolution fairly soon. As you may (or may not) know, the HCI site is down and things aren't as public as they used to be. Expect a verdict on this case by next week hopefully.

Hopefully the new Codes of Conduct will be approved by the Fleet Commander soon. As always, behave yourself on all gaming platforms of the EH. Remember that the EH is now a Strike Fleet of the Empire in Free Worlds, so you have less than a week to get into your new ship if it needs it otherwise you face deletion/bannation/etc.

My office is always open for business. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the above information, please feel free to contact me at and I will respond usually within twelve hours at the most. You can also catch me on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) as `Vlad, `Vlad`, or VA_Xavier.

Security Office Tasks

-Internet security matters.
The latest virus threats can be found online here (opens a new window). It also provides documents on new computer threats, fixes, and other useful information.

-Faster timeframe for issues to be resolved, brought to the HCI, etc.
All is good in the Security Office this week.

-Revise Articles of War and Bylaws in consultation with relevant parties.
Revision of the Codes of Conduct: COMPLETE
Revision of the Articles of War: SUSPENDED
Revision of the Fleet Bylaws: SUSPENDED

In service of the Emperor's Hammer,

SO-PROF/VA Vladet Xavier/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign

"Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors."
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Security Office Links

Codes of Conduct -
Articles of War -
Bylaws -

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