SO Report # 8 (2004-12-10)

This report was submitted by RA Vladet Xavier

EH Security Office Report

Security Office News

Nothing really major that went on this past week. Just had to ban some moron from #ehdb who can't seem to let an internet gaming club go. Pity that people like this are allowed access to a computer.

Security alert! It has been learned via Imperial Intelligence that the Disac Pirates are attempting to attack the Imperial Star Destroy Predator next Saturday evening. All leaves for Wing XVI pilots are cancelled and are ordered to report to the Predator immediatly which is currently stationed in the Bespin system.

The Security Office website now has some content. There is some text in the "SO Office" portion of the website which contains a little history about me. It's a good read!

My office is always open for business. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the above information, please feel free to contact me at and I will respond usually within twelve hours at the most. You can also catch me on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) as `Vlad, `Vlad`, or RA_Xavier.

Security Office Tasks

-Internet security matters.
The latest virus threats can be found online here (opens a new window). It also provides documents on new computer threats, fixes, and other useful information.

-Faster timeframe for issues to be resolved, brought to the HCI, etc.
HCI is still backed up. My office is clear.

-Revise Articles of War and Bylaws in consultation with relevant parties.
This project is apparantly suspended until further notice.

In service of the Emperor's Hammer,

SO-PROF/RA Vladet Xavier/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign

"Nancy, you're my kind of girl ... drunk."
- Captain B.F. "Hawkeye" Pierce, M*A*S*H

Security Office Links

Codes of Conduct -
Articles of War -
Bylaws -

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