LO Report # 11 (2004-11-20)

This report was submitted by VA Jeron Darkonis Astoris

Welcome to this weeks LO report.

Well... midterms have finally passed me by, and I'm glad they're off my chest. I will now be working somewhat more heavily on my duties, at least until the last week or so of December, when I have my final exams and such.

Here's the skinny on some of the projects:

10th Anniversary Event Master Schedule: This is very nearly complete. As I said last week, all that needs to be done is for me to type it up from my EH notebook and I'll send it out Thanksgiving weekend. That should be enough time for everyone involved to start working out stuff with me, and the rest of the LO staff.

Codex Updates: I will be making several codex updates tomorrow that reflect recent appointments, as well as working on the text for several of the new sections I plan to add in. Hopefully I can have most of these done by the time the 10th anniversary stuff begins.

Memorium: I think I'm going to set one of my staff, probably Drax on this project. He has most of the information that he needs to complete it and get it done and I can fill it in for him.

File Archive: Still nothing yet from Trido, and I will be contacting him once more this week.

Newsletters: We're just waiting for NL 106. As soon as it's out, Drax or myself will get it uploaded into the lusankya database.

LO/VA Jeron "Obiwan" Darkonis Astoris/CS-11/SSSD Sov

Interesting Fact of the week: Two of the first members of the Admiralty I ever met, were DarkRaptor, and Brett. Brett was LO, and DarkRaptor had just gotten CA:LO. How ironic that I'm now LO.

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