SO Report # 5 (2004-11-19)

This report was submitted by RA Vladet Xavier

EH Security Office Report

Security Office News

I was delighted to see absolutely no problems while I was out at camp, much less all week. My inboxes were pretty empty, and no one was trying to cause any trouble. This is the type of stuff I like to see. Keep it up! I will not be available Saturday at all, but I should be back Sunday afternoon to resume my normal activities.

Although this is a little late, I think I should mention it regardless. There are only three people in the entire organization that can expell you; the Fleet Commander (Grand Admiral Ronin), the Executive Officer (Sector Admiral Astatine), and the High Inquisitor (High Admiral Royal). No one else (not even myself) can expell you. If someone from Intel or anyone else for that matter tells you something like this, please contact me immediatly with all the available logs and information. I do not want to see this problem occur again.

My office is always open for business. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the above information, please feel free to contact me at and I will respond usually within twelve hours at the most. You can also catch me on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) as `Vlad, `Vlad`, or RA_Xavier.

2004 Security Office Tasks

-Internet security matters.
A safety tip this week below in the Information Nexus. As always, keep your virus scanners updated, patch your computer with Microsoft Windows Update (if available), and keep an active firewall going.

-Faster timeframe for issues to be resolved, brought to the HCI, etc.
My queue is clear. The HCI is backed up until Christmas.

-Revise Articles of War and Bylaws in consultation with relevant parties.
This project is apparantly suspended until further notice.

Security Information Nexus

No real security product this week. Many people tend to use Person to Person file sharing services such as Kazaa to get music and video files for their entertainment. Many music companies in the past year have filed hundreds of law suits against people (including teenagers) for this type of activity.

Normally the people targeted would have over 1,000 files in their Kazaa folder. This information is not hard for companies and their lawyers to find at all. Recently, the music industry has started bringing down the hammer on first time file swappers. Be extremely careful when using programs like Kazaa. When you're not actively downloading something, I suggest disconnecting from the network (if you can). They can't trace you if you're not connected to it, and I don't think many people in the EH could afford these kind of lawsuits. Of course, the best way to avoid something like this is to not file share at all ...

In service of the Emperor's Hammer,

SO-PROF/RA Vladet Xavier/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign

"I'd sooner share my toothbrush with a Democrat!"
- Major Charles Emerson Winchester III, M*A*S*H

Security Office Links

Codes of Conduct -
Articles of War -
Bylaws -

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