COMM Report # 11 (2004-04-02)

This report was submitted by AD Turtle Jerrar

Communications Office Report #11
April 2, 2004
Admiral Turtle Jerrar


Recently, I have received two separate reports regarding abuse of ops access on various Emperor's Hammer related IRC channels. Such abuse generally included unwarranted kicking + banning. Similarly, I have received a report of non-ops harassing other members on channels. Let me make it very clear that myself and the Security Officer will not stand for such foolishness. All members in the Emperor's Hammer are encouraged to contact me directly, and as soon as possible, about any future incidents. Appropriate actions will be taken against involved individuals if necessary.

For anybody that had been experiencing generally messed up things happening on the primary server from around March 27th to March 31st, this problem has been corrected. We were experiencing memory and disk-capacity issues. On a related note, I will be upgrading the memory on the server to 512MB sometime next weekend, 9-11 April.

Since I don't believe that I have officially mentioned this in any report yet, everybody should know that logs for all of the channels dasb0t manages are automatically stored at This currently includes #Corporate_Division, #DGN_Lichtor_V, #Emperor's_Hammer, #HammerRadio, #TIECorps, #TheFringe, #The_Infiltrator_Wing, and #ehdb. Timestamps are in Eastern Time.

All pending message board requests have been processed. As a reminder, all such requests must be made through the COMM request page at in order to be processed.

I'm going to be quite busy for the next month or so between a large research paper + finals, and prepping for a short deployment this summer in support of the Group of Eight (G8) Summit in south Georgia. Unfortunately I'll have little time for any new COMM issues. I'll continue to press forward in getting ELS 2.0 production ready, as well as the new online.

IRC Meetings

The Emperor's Hammer conducts an online IRC meeting every Saturday at 1200 hours (12PM) Eastern Time. Command officers from around the fleet issue reports in a moderated format regarding their respective areas of service. General member discussion and trivia follows. Plan to be there!

Communications Office Links - Communications Office - Message Boards - COMM Request Forms - IRC Code of Conduct - MinosNIC - ELS Management


COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),

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