COMM Report # 1 (2004-01-16)

This report was submitted by AD Turtle Jerrar

Communications Office Report #1
January 16, 2004
Admiral Turtle Jerrar

Hello, Emperor's Hammer.

This week has seen the appointment of me as the new Communications Officer. I would just like to say thanks to everybody who has congratulated me on the position.

For those of you who do not know me, I'll give a brief introduction. I joined the TIE Corps back in 1997, serving in Sadhe, Nun, and eventually Praetorian Special Operations squadron. I became the Internet Officer in 2000, serving 8 months before I unfortunately faced a lack of time for the position. In 2002, I rejoined the Internet Office as a full time Assistant, responsible for the operation and coding of MinosNIC, EHNet, and a variety of other IO-related sites. I've served in the Internet Office since then, and will continue to do so along with my new duties as Communications Officer.

The only major news for this week is the announcement of the new address for the Communications Office - now located at Currently, a temporary page is serving as a placeholder, but expect to see the site launched within a few days. Please update your links to the new address.

I will be dealing with the issue of appointing a CA:COMM in the coming weeks. An announcement will be made if and when I wish to solicit applications. Until then, please do not request CA:COMM or COMMA positions.

Communications Office Links - Communications Office - Message Boards - IRC Code of Conduct


COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),

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