SO Report # 27 (2005-04-22)

This report was submitted by AD Vladet Xavier

EH Security Office Report

Security Office News

During the past week I've had an excessive amount of people asking me on IRC about the positions of Security Office Assistant (SOA). Since I'm not even one hundred percent sure if I'm going to create these positions, please refrain from asking me on IRC. All details will be provided should I open the position for formal applications. You'll see any news about it in these reports.

I have developed and made the overall outline to the new EH judicial system. Basically how the new system works is someone makes a complaint (or something happens) and I investigate. Like what happened in the old system, if I found sufficient evidence to proceed with a trial, I would convene a military court martial. The panel members (who decide the outcome of the defendent) will be randomly selected Command Staff, Advisors, and Subgroup Commanders who rotate every four or six months. The case will be brought to them and they will reach a verdict. I think this new system will work out very well once implemented. I'll have more news on this as I refine it.

Otherwise it's been a fairly lazy week in the Security department. Not many IRC incidents or anything else for that matter. I graduate in three weeks so my IRC time will probably be reduced until then with final exams and such. E-mail turnaround will remain at the same high rate its always been at. Have a great week.

My office is always open for business. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the above information, please feel free to contact me at so(at) and I will respond usually within twelve hours at the most. You can also catch me on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) as `Vlad, `Vlad`, or AD_Xavier. I will not reply to e-mails sent to any other inbox so you better send it to the right one.

Security Office Tasks

-Internet security matters.
The latest virus threats can be found online here (opens a new window). It also provides documents on new computer threats, fixes, and other useful information.

-Faster timeframe for issues to be resolved, brought to the HCI, etc.
Security Office queue is clear.

-Revise Articles of War and Bylaws in consultation with relevant parties.
Revision of the Codes of Conduct: RELEASED
Revision of the Articles of War: IN PROGRESS
Revision of the Fleet Bylaws: SUSPENDED
Revision of EH Justice System: IN PROGRESS
EH Blacklist (aka Most Wanted): SUSPENDED

In service of the Emperor's Hammer,

SO-PROF/AD Vladet Xavier/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign

"Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings."
- Ed Gardner

Security Office Links

Codes of Conduct -
Articles of War -
Bylaws -

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