SCO Report # 51 (2005-04-17)

This report was submitted by FA Den Darkhill


Welcome to SCO report #51, this is Den Darkhill reporting in for el presidente mBind who is on medical leave. This is my first report in a long, long time and somehow I don't really miss it. But lets get down to the business at hand, unless you have been living under a rock then you know its Imperial Alliance.

As you might be aware of Phantom aboard the ISD Immortal has been opened up to be our beta testing squad. Applications were taken for a short bit and all those that have been selected have been transferred to the squad. Now all that they await is a game to start playing. Because of a miscommunication between Ender and myself several critical files were not done. With Ender being sick there has been a disruption in finishing the needed effects. Unlike Duke Nukem 4 this beta is coming in the very near future.

With the lull in the beta starting I've taken some time to play around with some things. The most noticeable one to date is adding s-foils into the game. A.I. X-wings and B-wings will open and close their s-foils as needed. For example if they are starting an attack run they open up and when the craft is on its landing approach it will close them. I'm also working on giving the shuttle its folding wings like what is seen in the movies. Also playing around a bit with being able to blow bits off of fighters. Make it possible to blow a solar panel off a TIE Fighter or the wing of an X-wing. This is not a for sure thing, just something I got cooking on the back burner.

Thats pretty much about it since all energy is being put towards getting Imperial Alliance out the door. But I have heard some rumors about a ship patch 3.0 for TIE and XVT. And you never know what other little toys might be cooking in the workshop. As always if you have any questions/comments/etc you're always free to email me and/or Ender.


CA:SCO/FA Den Darkhill/CA-10/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GOE/GSx2/SSx2/BSx2/PCx4/ISMx12/MoI-BC/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-1BR-1SW-1PW/LoC-Rx4/MoC-3BoC-3SoC-2GoC/CoLx3/CoB/LoAx2/OV-5E [PLDN]

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