COMM Report # 13 (2005-03-21)

This report was submitted by AD Joey C

Admiral Joey C reporting in for the Communications Office

Busy week this week, both in the TIE Corps and in Real Life. I admit not being as quick to add all the moderators as I would have liked, and for that I apologise, I will get to adding those mods as soon as possible.

The Quote Archive is down I'm afraid. My hoster (TIMMAY... never trust someone who lives in Queensland) seems to have lost his server connection, so I'll work with him on restoring that in the near future.

The Medal of Communication system is out! Yay! You can find all the details on it here:-

*scratches one more item off his Task List*

This system MIGHT undergo one or two changes in the following weeks if a problem arises, but most contingencies have been planned for. This month counts towards monthly IRC activity, so Commodores, start monitoring your ship's activity!

Next task... hmmm... co-ordination with DEMI (the wonderful people in the Corporate Division who are coming up with new trivia questions every week - go help them out!) to create grand competitions to spam the new MoC medals with!

Oh. Due to the OPS retiring this week (we'll miss you Alex!) I will be putting off naming the Ultimate Winner of the Whose Line is it Anyway competition until a replacement can be found and medals spammed to him/her.

That's pretty much it for this week. Also expect an article on IRC to come out soon - about time I expressed my opinion in some other form.

So until next time...

Admiral Joey C - "But you're my friend, Joey!"

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