SO Report # 30 (2003-03-14)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

Wow it has been a little over 30 weeks as me being Security Officer (and this is my 30th report as SO). Last week on Friday and Saturday I sent many new cases for the High Court of Inquisitors. Here are those that are going on right now: ACO Desann was sent to the HCI for cheating (False Statements) during the DB's Great Jedi War competition. WARD Danrik is handling that case. FA Starrett was sent to the HCI (yes I know he was a P-INQ) for False Statements of requesting medals that wasn't promised from command officers who are now retired. He pleads Not Guilty and the HCI is working on it. Nenshou Haradachi was sent to the HCI for AoW violations 403 - Disrespect of a Superior Officer, 408 - Provoking Speech, and 409 - Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Gentlemen. He made posts on the BHG MB insulting XO Astatine and the CS in general. What is more disturbing is that the posts he made were shortly deleted (along with Astatine's responses to those posts). DO NOT attempt to cover up violations of regulations. You can face a HCI trial for doing something like that, or the Fleet Commander, Executive Officer or your SubGroup Commander may simply remove you. We must be as just and fair as possible with all members. Covering up evidence or altering evidence is serious business. There are others who will soon face a trial by the HCI. Right now they are backed up with cases (something that rarely happens). I also received more complaints this week. So there are many investigations going on right now and people I sent to the HCI, but they are waiting until they get some INQs that are open to make a panel. The fact that the HCI is all tied up with cases shows that there are many problems going on in the Emperor's Hammer right now. I know we are a large organization, but I hope never to be this busy. Go to my office page and follow the links to the Regulations. Read them, understand them, and follow them. If you don't understand them, ask me (, the HI (, or your superior officer. Ignorance of the regulations is no excuse. There is no excuse for violating the regulations. As they say on the US's national news -- Good night. SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/OoR/GOE/GMoF/GS/FoEWx2/BS/PCx7/IMC/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/CSM/CoL/OV-6E/OoEwx4d [HUSS], {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

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