XO Report # 22 (2003-03-10)

This report was submitted by SA Astatine

Finished the backup of the TIE Corps site this week. It was certainly a lot less painful than the last time (coughwhencrystaltechbooteduscough) mostly due to having a lovely DSL link. This means I can now get back to developing on the site. One change that has been introduced is the expansion of the time zone list on personnel profiles. Eventually I'll code up a system where members can view other members in their own timezone. This will make things like multiplayer events easier to organise. I've also fixed the problem form on the XO site (http://www.emperorshammer.net/xo/problems.asp)

A few projects I'm looking at doing will be at automating various competition type things, such as ladders. I'll also be looking into setting up a bug submission/feature request form so members can submit ideas for new features or information about bugs they've run into.

I've also decided to repeal Executive Order 3 regarding name changes (http://www.emperorshammer.net/orders.asp). Basically it's just not needed now and adds extra time and work in members wanting their names changed.

That's about it.

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