SO Report # 33 (2003-04-02)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

Greetings members of the Emperor’s Hammer: I have been thinking long and hard about this for a while and I have decided to resign my membership from the Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet. The reasons I do so are many: I currently as Security Officer am no longer having fun or enjoying my responsibilities. This is a club and as such, I have no reason to stay if I am not having a good time or at least feel good about the work I’m doing for the EH. The command staff in the Emperor’s Hammer has made decisions that I disagree on, and I have been forced into situations and decisions that I did not want to make. I did make them either because I was ordered to do so or it was in my best judgment. Being just the Security Officer, I was not totally able to make my own decision because of the command structure of this club. Another reason is, for almost seven years I have put my time into this club and haven’t left much time for everything else in my life. A good portion of the time I’m not at work is spent on this club. When I had fun and was enjoying myself, it wasn’t that much of a problem. Now it is becoming more of a chore than for something fun to do. Explaining more about the command staff problems—I feel that right now the decisions made by the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer on managing the club are not the best way to run a club. You should motivate people through encouragement and building others up, rather than threatening to punish or remove them. I wish that Ronin would be more active in his organization than he was years ago. I know it is just a club and you have a life, but it is YOUR club. I wouldn’t want to spend so much money and resources on a club I started and then let my XO run pretty much everything. I think sometimes you just skim over or maybe even not read everything in my e-mail and just say “thanks chief!” I can never tell if you read it or not with these responses. You were in the past more involved—especially with the Command Staff. Years ago the Executive Officer watched over the SubGroup Commanders and overtook handling and publishing the EH Newsletter. Now because of Ronin’s activity level, the Executive Officer has to handle nearly every responsibility. I think that is way too much for any one person. The leadership styles and personalities of Astatine and myself conflict to the point where I can no longer do those things that I’m ordered to as Security Officer. I was thinking of just transferring to the Reserves to relax for a while and then maybe return when things have changed. I’m not very sure if there will be a change in the way things are going from the top for at least quite a while. So, instead I am resigning from all of my Emperor’s Hammer positions completely and immediately. This includes my clone, CPT ObiVader, Now to the membership (current and past): I have enjoyed spending time with you as your superior or serving under you as an “underling”. I have met many people from all over the world without even leaving my house! That still is pretty amazing if you stop and think about it. I have especially fond memories of the Intelligence Division and Praetorian squadron. Because of that, I am going to let Troutrooper have ownership of #DGN_Lichtor_V and I will pass on what history I have for the Intelligence Division and Praetorian squadron. As for the things not completed in the Security Office, I will keep all files and e-mails until a replacement is chosen. I can forward the e-mails and archive the files and send them to the next SO or send them to Ronin and/or Astatine. My Command Attaché, VA Zoltar, has been my CA for a number of months, but due to his lack of time spent doing the SO’s entire job, I will not recommend him as my replacement. It may be difficult for you to find someone fully qualified at this time. That is one of the big reasons why I have not resigned until now. While, I still do not have an adequate replacement, it is better for me to leave now instead of lagging in my responsibilities and then be forced out. I apologize to the members of Praetorian Squadron and AD Troutrooper for leaving Praetorian. I love that squadron and wish you all the best. Since joining it in 1996, I have always felt proud about being a Praetorian and had fun with all of its members. And for the Intelligence Division, I had the most fun being Supreme Director. The only thing that comes close to being SDIR was being in Praetorian or serving as one of the Commodores of the DGN Lichtor V. The removal of that position was a thorn in my side. I had a great time being COM and Prae FM/FL. I will not sever my Intenet communications. I will still be available at You still may see me on IRC: Undernet somewhere—I’ll change my nickname to remove the “FA_”. I’ll want to still talk with some of you, to them I will notify if my e-mail address changes. Even if you remain in the EH, feel free to talk and ask me things. Now I will not have to answer your requests, but I like to help people out. As SDIR, I felt that I was serving the members of the ID along with serving Ronin and the XO. I will try to focus on the positive when I think of the EH. Unfortunately it is because of the negative things along with my need to move on in my RL that is making me resign. Best wishes and farewell to all. Brad Fordham frmr SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign, MoH/HoI/IC/OoR/GOE/GMoF/GS/FoEWx2/BS/PCx7/IMC/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/CSM/CoL/OV-6E/OoEw4d [HUSS], {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN) frmr FM/CPT ObiVader/Praetorian 2-3/DGN Lichtor V, FoEW/SS/MoAx4/MoPx4/PC/IMCx3/ISMx3/IS-2BW-2BR/CoB/PoC-gl-sl-bl/OV-3E [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-BX-CBX-FLA-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-JS-LIN-M/1/2-PHP-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-VBS-XML-XTT} [AoT-**SEAG**], T-Pr: “Retribution”

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