SO Report # 1 (2003-04-14)

This report was submitted by VA Zoltar

SO Report: Week One - 14 April 2003 I'd like to take a few moments and clarify certain issues that have arisen during the past 48 hours. A difficult period has emerged for our organization, but not anything we haven't faced and overcome in the past. While all eyes are turned to the Dark Brotherhood, we must keep in mind that the day-to-day operation of the Fleet continues unabated. This means, in an operational sense, that though certain events may be on everyone's mind, this does not excuse a break from standard procedure. In a nutshell, this means the AoW and the CoCs remain in full effect, and that any deviation from this directive will be dealt with in the usual manner. Don't hazard the guess that security personnel will be so “busy” that they will ignore infractions. Also, don't think that the Security Office or any of the Emperor's Hammer command staff will be too busy to hear your comments, complaints, and suggestions. The Command Staff exists to help you, and are working tirelessly to make sure no one is forgotten in the current bustle. An issue has arisen yet again over the powers and duties of IRC Channel Operators. For those unfamiliar with the terminology, a ChanOp is a sanctioned monitor of activity with broad powers of control. The actions of an op are not to be questioned publicly! This is a violation of the CoCs, and possibly of the AoW as well, depending on the context. This type of action is disruptive in the extreme, and accomplishes nothing that cannot be done in private. If you believe a ChanOp has abused his authority to the degree that it has become patently offensive, it is, and has always been, standing policy to report said activity to the offending officer's superior, or to the Security Officer if circumstances warrant it. Instances of Ops abuse are dealt with quite seriously. I must re-iterate; it is absolutely not the place of members within a channel to cite a presiding op in public discussion for perceived or actual error. I would also like to make clear the status of the DB. Contrary to some people's belief, the Dark Brotherhood of Jedi remains a steadfast subsidiary of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. While it is true certain current and former personages within the DB have made an attempt to gather support for a mutiny, this does in no way engender a change in ownership or leadership. This means, quite simply, that though damage has been done in the name of an organization we all hold dear, and while certain trappings of legitimacy such as unrecovered portions of the database temporarily remain in the hands of the separatists, this in no way gives these fractious people authority. The reigns of the DB remain in the hands of the EH, and will continue to do so. What does this mean for the average DBer? It means your data and history is currently held captive by persons claiming to be acting in your interest, but using you as a means to further their own petty aspirations of power. Strike back by saving your personal database data, and requesting your information be eliminated from the rogue server. This data that you save will form the backbone of the new database currently being restored. It will also show the faction the error of their ways as their artificially inflated rebellion slowly evaporates before their eyes. As events progress, I will be releasing status reports on the actions taken to protect the membership from these saboteurs. If you have any information you believe might serve to end this disturbance, I urge you to e-mail me immediately at or at Finally, I'd like to announce the implementation of a re-vamped 'community policing' initiative. Personnel from my staff are currently in training to assume their duties in an environment of heightened awareness, and will be ideally suited to assist with any matter brought before them. The soon-to-be-announced CA:SO will be heading this effort. If you or anyone you know is interested in how to better assist these personnel in becoming better acquainted with your corner of the Empire, please drop me a line. I will be more than happy to go over specifics with you. Thank you for your time, and keep in mind I am available and eager to answer any questions you may have. SO/VA Zoltar/CS-9/SSSD Soverign, -[AoT-***TTDR***][SS][2BS][2GMoF][ISM] -[MoC-2BoC-3SoC-GoC-28PoC-10DoC][2FoEW] -[3MoA][2MoP][3LoA][MoI][LoC-cs][CoL][OV-3E] -{IWATS-IIC/1/2-M/2-XvT-SM-CBX}[OoE-P3][Steward] -[SHU - "Imperial Eye"][SHU - "Emerald Goddess"]

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