SO Report # 3 (2003-05-18)

This report was submitted by AD Zoltar

SO Office Report - 03 18 May 2003 My apologies for the inconsistent nature of my reports of late. End-of-semester craziness had me down, as I'm sure many of you can empathize. Though belated, thanks to High Admiral Priyum Patel and Grand Admiral Ronin for the promotion to Admiral. I've been eager for a promotion for quite some time, and am giddy now that I've gotten it. The only serious issue to bring to your attention of late is the persistant violation of the Article of War and IRc Code of Conduct chapter dealing with the disrespect of superior officers and/or Channel Operators in public. This is a rancorous issue that must be addressed before it gets any worse. Disrespect or public arguing with a Channel Operator is a serious offense, and leads quickly to an anarchial mess. It has come to the point where the mere simple activities enjoined by an Op to police and maintain decorum in a channel is met with cries of "ops abuse!" from a multitude of people either unversed in the CoCs/AoW or determined to belittle a superior for thier own benefit. Proper procedures are set out in the Code of Conduct for the private messaging and discussion with said Op if any questions were to arise due to actions taken. If the problem can not be resolved in this manner, appropriate logs should be sent to me for futher investigation. Any deviation from this procedure at this point, most especially crying "ops abuse" or arguing with a superior in a public forum, will be met with a harsh response. I hate to have to resort to anything more than request, but the problem has gotten quite out of hand. In other news, there isn't much! It's a continued welcome respite from trouble, and special thanks go out to a certain defecting cadre of former officers for taking many of the troubled folk with them. As always, any questions or concerns may be e-mailed to me at, or catch me or one of my staff members on IRC. We're always around to help you however we're able. Thank you for your time. Admiral Zoltar Fleet Security Officer

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