COMM Report # 7 (2003-05-23)

This report was submitted by FA Aiden Cantor Karias

This week I upgraded the bots "dasb0t", "SilentOne", and "Chewie" to eggdrop v1.6.15. Although this does not add any new features for users, it does fix numerous minor bugs. Yesterday SA Kawolski gave me a copy of the Trivia and Millionaire scripts from his old bot Surefire. I've tested them out, and from all indications they work perfectly on dasb0t which runs a much newer version of eggdrop than what Surefire was last running. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to run this weeks #EH meeting trivia using it, but I definitely will start to in the future. I am looking to increase the amount of trivia contained in dasb0t's triviabanks, and will be writing some. I will also be accepting trivia and word scrambles written by other people. Anybody wishing to contribute should contact me for the appropriate information. Some time this weekend I will be adding the qstat4eggdrop TCL script to my bots. This script queries game servers such as HL, UT, Quake and JK for status and information. I would like anybody running a dedicated gaming server for the EH to contact me with their server address, and game information. COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign MoH/IC/GOE/GSx2/SS/BS/PC/ISMx9/MoI/IS-1GR-1PR/LoC-CS-Rx3/MoC-1SoC-1GoC/CoE/CoB/LoA/OV-3E {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP-PHP-VBS} [DRAG] --==EH b0tologist==-- --==CBX Professor==--

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