SO Report # 9 (2003-07-25)

This report was submitted by VA Ziggy

Security Office Report #9

1. Myrtle Beach was a blast. We were all relieved to see that SOA Slicer had refrained from raiding the Security Office bar. Also, many incriminating shots of the Security Office staff were captured. :)
2. Due to the ending of the Beach Blast, Security Officer Zoltar is still without internet access, although I've been informed it should be restored by Monday.
3. It's been fairly quiet as usual. It seems the rDB removed a significant number of "problem members", thus leaving the Security Office at a *much* welcome disadvantage. I commend our members on being fairly well-behaved. :)
4. As of this week, I've seen a few random rDBers joining EH channels, although most have set proper bans to prevent their enterance. There was a slight issue involving the abuse of dasb0t's strict language guidelines earlier, but SOA Vman and I have our eyes open for any further abuses, which will not be tolerated.
That's all for this week folks. Keep it clean, and stay safe.

Vice Admiral Ziggy CA:SO/VA Ziggy

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