LO Report # 4 (2003-07-04)

This report was submitted by VA Darknyte

Logistics Officer Report
July 4, 2003
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Here we go again, yet another creme filled and sugar encrusted edition of the LO's Report! Be sure to brush after you consume this report, we don't need to see everyone's teeth rotting out of their heads and such. ::straightens his uniform:: Man, this uniform makes me feel like strong, brute man Mr. Hat...err, sorry...the South Park movie is on in the background, kinda got sidetracked by hearing the F-bomb on network TV...it's freaky.

This week has seen quite a bit of work done in this office, just all behind the scenes and not readily apparent to the EH at large. The IHS structure is still being fleshed out by myself and my CA, already I've had 3 people apply and two are now officially accepted. CM Bryan and RA Destavol Gin are whole-heartedly welcomed to the EH IHS, research assignments will be given out soon. The third applicant is pending review by this office, a decision will be made shortly.

Research started this week for the EH Memorium site, my CA has put his feelers out in the EH and is trying to compile data on any EHer who's fallen in service to the Fleet. If anyone knows of an EHer who's passed on while a member of this club, please email the LO and CA:LO with any information you have so that we can honor him/her properly.

The Codex update is almost complete, I have quite a bit of information to add/change in the Codex and I shall get it completed this week, work has already begun and astute viewers might have already noted some minor changes. Also, due to information I recieved from Val Ricaud I would like to clarify his entry in the Codex. I've not yet changed it, but he's informed me(and I confirmed it) that the former LO who last updated the Codex beared a grudge against him and put DEMOTED by his name in the Admiralty list as a jab at him when in reality Ricaud stepped down and asked to be demoted. I will be changing his entry to reflect that he was not demoted from his Admiralty rank, that he chose to leave it behind and go back to the Line ranks. On behalf of the Office, I apologize to you Val. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll get it fixed for you.

That's really about it for this week, so until we meet again I'm your tourguide DJ Phatty McFresh saying keep it real, homies! WEST SIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!

In Service to the Empire,
Vice Admiral Darknyte, EH Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

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