SCO Report # 0 (2001-10-29)

This report was submitted by FA Kermee

It appears Den is likely having some computer problems again, so I'll be quickly filling in...
He should be back shortly with any luck.

1. New Patches: The Astatine-class TUG is nearly completed and should be up within a short while of Den's return, along with the TIE Shadow, as mentioned in last weeks report.

2. Slicing News: *chirp chirp* :P
The XWA Upgrade has released the Azzameen Family Base OPT, there's a new version of XIS (again), and XW Legacy is still under an indefinite hiatus for upgrades to their content system.

3. Exams suck, but group projects suck more: Having dispensed with 4 assignments, you're trusty CA:SCO is back with some added time thanks to no more lectures. I do still have some exams to follow, but at least there'll be time for other stuff again (and sleep). What does this mean? further fleet-man progress...

As a reminder, you can always find the latest news on Star Wars Games, Patches & Science Office happenings at the SCO web page ( If you've found newer, submit it as news!

FA Kermee, fleet man Guy
- CA:SCO/FA Kermee/CA-10/SSSD Sovereign
- DJK (krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan WR-PM w/1/DC-KC
- GOE/GS/SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx13/MoI/MoT-3gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-GoC/OV-2E [LGNR]

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